Google Launches Interactive Waste Reduction Web AppGoogle Launches Interactive Waste Reduction Web App

“Your Plan, Your Planet” provides users with information on three types of waste: food, water and electricity.

Waste360 Staff, Staff

September 10, 2018

1 Min Read

In an effort to help people understand the impact of their waste, Google has launched “Your Plan, Your Planet,” an interactive web app that aims to reduce waste. For the app, Google partnered with the California Academy of Sciences to provide useful information on three types of waste: food, water and electricity.

In addition to having access to helpful information about waste reduction, users can take quizzes, keep track of their waste reduction progress and more.

Food & Wine has more details:

One of the hottest causes of the past few years, the conversation around reducing food waste has inevitably waned a bit from the days when it seemed like slashing waste was all grocery stores, restaurants, and even brewers were talking about. However, the problem of food waste is far from solved, and today, one of the biggest tech companies in the world has launched a new effort to keep the discussion alive: Google has introduced “Your Plan, Your Planet”—an interactive web app intended to help people understand the impact of their waste.

To be fair to those who jumped into the conversation earlier, plenty of apps looking to battle food waste already exist from straightforward concepts like FoodKeeper—a USDA app that helps let you know when food goes bad—to more involved programs like Food Cowboy that aims to connect excess food with the people who need it. Even Alexa can tell you how to stop wasting food. But successfully fighting food waste is all about getting as many people on board as possible, so it’s still great to see another big name like Google get more involved.

Read the full story here.

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