Des Moines, Iowa, Arts Festival Aims to Achieve Zero WasteDes Moines, Iowa, Arts Festival Aims to Achieve Zero Waste
During the festival, the event staff will focus on diverting waste from landfill via the festival’s “go green or go home initiative.”

The Des Moines, Iowa, Arts Festival, which takes place June 23-25, has set a goal to produce zero waste. During the festival, the event staff will focus on diverting waste from landfill via the festival’s “go green or go home initiative.”
The festival will have 17 waste stations onsite, all of which will accept recyclables, compost and landfill waste. The stations will be monitored by Boy Scout Troup 111 from Grimes to ensure that all materials are sorted properly.
In addition to those efforts, all vendors are required to use biodegradable plate, utensils, napkins and containers and beverages must be sold in cups that can be composted or bottles that can be recycled. All generators and refrigerated trucks must also run on a biodiesel fuel blend, and all advertising must be done electronically.
The Des Moines Register has more:
The Des Moines Arts Festival is putting the "art" in Earth with a new plan for sustainability efforts.
The June 23-25 arts and culture festival set a goal to produce zero waste by diverting it from landfills with its "go green or go home" initiative, according to a news release.
The event takes place each year during the last weekend in June at the Pappajohn Sculpture Park, but this year the festival's sustainability team will be on the ground to ensure things stay green and Earth-friendly.
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