Utah’s WCSW Assures Residents it Will Continue its Recycling ProgramUtah’s WCSW Assures Residents it Will Continue its Recycling Program
The county’s solid waste authority explained it is continuing to reassess its residential recycling program since terminating its previous contract.

Utah’s Washington County Solid Waste (WCSW) is reassuring residents that it is has no plans of terminating the countywide recycling program at this point. WCSW stated that it received many phone calls from concerned residents who heard that since the agency is terminating its contract with Rocky Mountain Recycling, that it is also terminating the entire county’s recycling program.
To help correct misconceptions about the recycling program, WCSW emphasized the following on its website:
Although the contract with Rocky Mountain Recycling for processing recyclable materials is being terminated, the agency is contracting with another entity for processing of recyclable materials for the remainder of the contract term.
The new contract will result in all collected materials being transported to Las Vegas, so nothing will end up in the county’s landfill.
The collection of recyclable materials will continue for the remainder of the contract period (until February 2021), at which point WCSW said it will need to determine where to go from there.
The cost to residents remains unchanged.
Changes as to the kinds of materials that should be placed in the blue cans for recycling will be made. Residents are asked to only put the following items in their recycling bins: Cardboard, metal food and beverage cans (aluminum and tin), plastics Nos. 1 and 2 (for instance, milk jugs, water bottles).
St. George News has more details:
Washington County Solid Waste reassured residents that it is not considering the termination of its recycling programs “at this point.”
According to a statement posted on its website, the department has received numerous calls from residents who believe it is removing recycling collection programs. WCSW is hoping to continue to offer recycling programs for residents without increasing their fees.
“We are not, at this point, terminating the recycling program,” the post reads.
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