TerraCycle Pouch Makes it Easy for Customers to Recycle From HomeTerraCycle Pouch Makes it Easy for Customers to Recycle From Home

TerraCycle Inc. is working with Casella Waste Management Systems on a new service to help locals in Burlington, Vt. recycle common items.

April 13, 2023

1 Min Read
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Pat Tuson / Alamy Stock Photo

TerraCycle Inc. is working with Casella Waste Management Systems on a new service to help locals in Burlington, Vt. recycle common items.

The “TerraCycle Pouch” recycling service is available now and will offer customers ways to recycle more than 20 different categories of items that are commonly thrown away. These items include clothes, shoes, and plastic packaging.

Customers can sign up for the service with a monthly subscription. Once customers fill their bags, they can coordinate curbside pick-up with Casella, making recycling much easier.

"Instead of having to say drive to your local place of worship or school where there may be, say, a drop-in for clothing or shoes, now it can be directly from your curbside," said Tom Szaky, founder and CEO if TerraCycle. "Not just textiles but toys, coffee capsules, all sorts of other waste streams that would otherwise have no solution other than the trash can."

Read the full article here.

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