How Will the Trump Administration Lead on Recycling?How Will the Trump Administration Lead on Recycling?
Is there anyone out there that thinks federal leadership on recycling is a remote possibility under a Trump administration?
With the 40th anniversary of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act recently passing, I have been thinking about the issue of federal leadership on issues related to zero waste and the circular economy, two topics that continue to generate excitement around the world.
In doing some research I was hoping to share with you the original RCRA text that showed how the feds way back in 1976 understood the important role of national planning and coordinated action, and that now was the time for us to bring back that spirit and pull together a plan that would make American Recycling Great Again.
But then the election happened.
Is there anyone out there who thinks federal leadership on recycling is a remote possibility under a Trump administration? If so, please write me at [email protected] because I am now drifting in a sea of doubt and despair on this issue.
Normally being an optimist, I don’t like this feeling. It seems almost un-American since we are the most “can do” people on the planet. I’m a cheerleader for recycling in need of some cheer, so thanks ahead of time for any ideas you may have to share.
I’m hoping my column next month will be a sharing of the responses I get. Until then, take care of yourself and your neighbors, whoever they may be.
Eric Lombardi is the Director of Eco-Cycle International and is recognized as an authority on the social and technical aspects of creating community-based “Zero Waste” resource recovery programs.
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