Dallas Working to Prevent Contamination in Recycling, Removing Bins from Repeat Offenders

Dallas, Texas is reporting having an issue with more than a quarter of materials thrown into a blue bin is contaminated. So, Dallas is preparing to remove people’s bins if they can’t get it together.

June 1, 2023

1 Min Read
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Dallas, Texas is reporting having an issue with more than a quarter of materials thrown into a blue bin is contaminated. So, Dallas is preparing to remove people’s bins if they can’t get it together.

After a recent audit in Dallas, Texas, it was revealed that more than a quarter of materials put into blue recycling bins in contaminated. To help with this issue, Dallas will be conducting audits on resident’s bins and take them away from people if they continue to contaminate their recyclables.

Bruce Magnuson, General Manager of FCC Environmental commented that “no one wants a new landfill in their backyard,” and, answering questions from reporters, mentioned that, without recycling, everything would be in a landfill instead of making something useful of the recyclable materials.

FCC Environmental Services processes around 40 tons of recyclables in an hour, every day. Of those recyclables, 10 tons of it contains contaminants which jeopardize the good, clean materials.

Danielle McClelland, manager of Dallas’ Zero Waste Division, said that notices will go to areas where contamination is coming from. These notices will first attempt to educate residents but if the city finds contamination in the same bin three times, the bin will be removed.

"To get the container returned, we mail information about a training class, now virtual," McClelland explained. "Some cities issue citations and fines. Our focus is on education.”

Read the full article here.

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