Latin America Turns to Waste-to-Energy for Power GenerationLatin America Turns to Waste-to-Energy for Power Generation
September 25, 2014
With widespread drought impacting the capacity of Latin America's hydroelectric plants, alternative energy sources are needed to meet growing power demand. Below is a list of waste-to-energy projects planned throughout the region in the third quarter of 2014.
Mexico's water commission Conagua is developing a clean-up plan for the Bordo Poniente sanitary landfill site on the outskirts of Mexico City, according to Business News Americas.
It involves carrying out a hydrogeological study to determine the geotechnical and hydrogeological conditions of the landfill, with a view to identifying the measures needed to clean up the site and kick off waste-to-energy operations. Studies should be wrapped up by December.
The landfill, closed in December 2011, was Latin America's largest at the time.
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