Keynote Session: Solutions to Food Loss, Waste, and Recovery; Organics Diversion Legislation and Infrastructure Development (WasteExpo 2018)Keynote Session: Solutions to Food Loss, Waste, and Recovery; Organics Diversion Legislation and Infrastructure Development (WasteExpo 2018)

May 30, 2018

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Moderator: Dr. Stuart Buckner, Buckner Environmental Associates, LLC

  • Nationwide Public Service Awareness Campaign to Reduce Wasted Food. Darby Hoover, Senior Resource Specialist, Food & Agriculture Program, NRDC. NY; Rachelle Reeder, Director, The Ad Council. NY

  • Walmart’s Farm-to-Fork Food Waste Strategy. Kate Worley, Senior Manager, Solid Waste & Recycling, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. AR

  • California’s Mighty Organics Recycling Challenge: Can It Be Met and How? Paul Relis, Senior VP, CR&R Inc., CA

    • California has embarked on the goal of removing organics in landfills by 2025. The organics effort focuses on building an organics infrastructure that will require a multi-billion-dollar investment. CR&R is at the vanguard of this statewide. Its AD facility is the largest such facility in North America. In this presentation, it will be explained how the CR&R facility implements all aspects of California’s organics policy objectives.

Click here for more conference program sessions from WasteExpo 2018.


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