Episode 77: Plugging Into Opportunities in Refuse Fleet ElectrificationEpisode 77: Plugging Into Opportunities in Refuse Fleet Electrification
September 28, 2020
In our latest episode of NothingWasted! Podcast, we bring you a dynamic session from WasteExpo Together Online: "Plugging Into Opportunities in Refuse Fleet Electrification".
This session looks at the opportunities and the challenges that come with an electrified refuse vehicle – battery life, power management, driver training and awareness are all part of this new domain along with the benefits of emissionless, quieter vehicles and possibly less rigorous maintenance routines. Listen to organizations that currently have electric vehicles out in the real world, what they are experiencing and what new trials will be released in 2020.
Rocco DiRico, Deputy Commissioner, NYC Department of Sanitation (DSNY)
Robert Potter, Sanitation Solid Resource Manager II, Los Angeles Sanitation and Environment (LASAN), City of Los Angeles
Jonathan Randall, SVP, Sales & Marketing, Mack Trucks
John Gerra, Director, BYD Motors LLC
Don Ross, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, New Way Trucks
Moderated by:
Andy Campbell, Supplier Development Supervisor, Sourcewell
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