NWRA Releases 2020 Federal Legislative, Regulatory AgendaNWRA Releases 2020 Federal Legislative, Regulatory Agenda
The document reflects NWRA’s successes in 2019 and new goals for 2020.
January 14, 2020

NWRA Staff
The National Waste & Recycling Association (NWRA) has released its 2020 Federal Legislative & Regulatory Agenda covering the Second Session of the 116th Congress. The agenda, created as a resource for congressional offices and regulatory agencies to utilize, updates the waste and recycling industry’s policy positions on important federal issues. The document can be found here.
“NWRA’s 2020 agenda addresses 31 policy positions on important federal issues impacting the waste and recycling industry—down from 36 in 2019 due to legislative and regulatory victories on six issues while one new issue has been added,” said NWRA President and CEO Darrell Smith in a statement. “We will continue our effective lobbying efforts to further reduce this number so our members can go about their business and provide safe, economically sustainable and environmentally responsible services and jobs that benefit communities throughout America.”
“Many industries go for years without being able to remove items from their policy agendas, but we were fortunate to be able to address a half dozen in just one year on behalf of our members,” added Jim Riley, NWRA’s chief counsel and senior vice president for government affairs, in a statement.
NWRA added a policy position on federal “Bottle Bill” legislation while removing items relating to an industry exemption for Hours of Service/electronic logging devices, tax extenders, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s Injury and Illness Reporting Requirements, association health plans, Department of Labor overtime rules and the Department of Labor Persuader Rule.
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