Wood Industry, EPA Set Guidelines for Handling Treated WoodWood Industry, EPA Set Guidelines for Handling Treated Wood
October 10, 2001
Danielle Jackson
Fairfax, Va. -- The preserved wood industry recently completed a set of guidelines with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the handling of treated lumber such as chromated copper arsenate (CCA)-treated wood. The guidelines advise consumers to never burn treated wood and to wear a dust mask, gloves and goggles when sawing, sanding or machining wood.
Additionally, Ridgewood, N.J.-based DWJ Television has produced a TV news package that includes a listing of safety tips for consumers, and interviews with Home Depot and American Wood Preserver Institute representatives. To order a copy of the tape, contact Loren Checchi, DWJ Television. Phone toll-free: (800) 766-1711, extension 215. E-mail: [email protected].
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