Tethers Unlimited to Test its Recycling/3D Printing System Aboard ISSTethers Unlimited to Test its Recycling/3D Printing System Aboard ISS

This system will be used to recycle plastic waste, such was packaging materials, utensils and food storage containers.

Waste360 Staff, Staff

August 30, 2016

1 Min Read
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Washington-based aerospace technology company Tethers Unlimited has won a contract to test Positrusion Recycler, its recycling/3D printing system, aboard the International Space Station (ISS). This system will be used to recycle plastic waste, such was packaging materials, utensils and food storage containers, which will then be turned into a 3D filament that can be used to create satellite components, replacement parts and astronaut tools.

Environmental Leader has more:

Waste reduction and recycling efforts can save companies money and produce environmental benefits on earth — do these benefits extend to space?

NASA, with help from aerospace technology company Tethers Unlimited, aims to find out. The Washington-based company has won a contract to test its recycling/3D printing system aboard the International Space Station, the Herald reports.

Read the full story here.

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