APR Releases Results of Recycling Demand Champions EffortAPR Releases Results of Recycling Demand Champions Effort
The major brand owners that participated in the project increased their post-consumer resin by nearly 7 million pounds.
The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) just released the year-end results of its Recycling Demand Champions effort, which was launched in 2017 to develop new end markets for recycled plastics.
According to APR, 10 brand owners that participated in the project increased their post-consumer resin by nearly 7 million pounds. That material went into products like garbage cans, packaging, picnic tables and more.
APR launched the campaign to increase the use of polyolefin (PP or PE) post-consumer resin (PCR). The group's focus is on “Work in Process” items used in manufacturing. These include everyday industrial applications such as trash cans, pallets and tote boxes.
Resource Recycling has more details:
The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) says its Demand Champions effort has helped pull more plastic through the recycling system in its first year.
The group on Oct. 10 announced the year-end results of its Recycling Demand Champions Campaign, which launched in 2017 as an effort to develop new end markets for recycled plastics.
As part of the effort, 10 major brand owners increased their post-consumer resin usage by 6.8 million pounds, according to APR. That resin included LDPE, PET, PP and HDPE, and the material went into products such as garbage cans and trash bags, gaylords and gaylord liners, packaging, pallets, park benches, picnic tables and more.
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