French Company Converts Used Face Masks into Reusable ProductFrench Company Converts Used Face Masks into Reusable Product
September 2, 2020

Disposable face masks are causing a significant increase in waste. From parking lots to city streets, it's not uncommon to see masks strewn across the ground.
One French company has developed a solution that converts used masks into a plastic-like material called Plaxtil.
The company of the same name was founded in November 2019 for the purpose of repurposing clothing into a reusable product. The COVID-19 pandemic opened up the opportunity to disinfect and break down used masks instead.
While Plaxtil can be used in a variety of applications, it currently is being utilized to manufacture plastic visors. The company indicates "it has already recycled more than 50,000 masks, producing between 2,000 and 3,000 recycled products since the end of June."
Read the original article here.
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