Santa Cruz County, Calif., Considering Ending Operations at Rio Rico LandfillSanta Cruz County, Calif., Considering Ending Operations at Rio Rico Landfill
(PT) The county is currently weighing its options, which include selling the site, building a transfer station, transporting waste to another location and closing the site.
Santa Cruz County, Calif., has been struggling with financial stability at its Rio Rico Landfill for several years. And even though the county saw some financial improvement in fiscal year 2015-16, the county is unsure if maintaining operations at the landfill will be a sustainable option.
The county is currently weighing its options, which include selling the site, building a transfer station, transporting waste to another location and closing the site.
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County landfill revenues were in the black this year for the first time in more than half a decade, but that doesn’t mean the floundering waste disposal site can survive long term.
“The good news this year is that we were able to bring a little more revenues and for the first time in a long time we didn’t have to transfer money from the reserve to operations, but I don’t know if it will be sustainable,” Public Works Director Jesus Valdez told the County Supervisors during a study session on Wednesday.
Bringing in about $2 million in revenue in fiscal year 2015-16, the Rio Rico Landfill was able to cover operations and add to the dwindling reserve fund, which had been shrinking for years.
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