NWRA and EREF Hold Educational Events Related to Landfill ManagementNWRA and EREF Hold Educational Events Related to Landfill Management
August 17, 2021

Arlington, VA – The Environmental Research & Education Foundation (EREF) will hold two educational events related to landfill management at the Marriott Columbus University Area in Columbus, Ohio, on August 31 and September 1.
The first of the two events is an Electrical Leak Location (ELL) Workshop, which is hosted in collaboration with the Ohio chapter of the National Waste & Recycling Association (NWRA) as well as strategic partner the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. This workshop will provide introductory, regulatory and new information related to ELL.
ELL is considered to be a highly accurate method to detect leaks. This relatively new technique runs an electrical current through the geomembrane liner using electrodes in the soil or water covering of the liner. Because the geomembrane liners do not conduct electricity when an electrical current is sent through the liner, the area(s) with a leak will indicate a higher current.
The second event, Emerging Topics in Landfill Management Summit, is a full day of presentations related to landfill management including waste stability, elevated temperature landfills and aqueous waste co-disposal and liquids addition.
Participants at either event can attend in person or virtually. The complete agenda and registration for both events is available here.
The National Waste & Recycling Association (NWRA) represents the private sector waste and recycling services industry. Association members conduct business in all 50 states and include companies that manage waste, recycling and medical waste, equipment manufacturers and distributors, and a variety of other service providers. For more information about NWRA, please visit www.wasterecycling.org
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