NWRA Provides COVID-19 FMCSA, DHS Documents, Placards for TrucksNWRA Provides COVID-19 FMCSA, DHS Documents, Placards for Trucks
NWRA guidance also includes documents to be carried in waste and recycling fleet vehicles and a clarification letter for local authorities.
March 24, 2020
NWRA Staff
On March 20, the National Waste & Recycling Association (NWRA) released a guidance document for its members summarizing recent announcements related to operating during the COVID-19 health crisis from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
The guidance also included links to documents to be carried in waste and recycling fleet vehicles to ensure continuity of operations and unhindered passage.
“We are all in uncharted territory as it relates to a global pandemic. Rest assured, NWRA is here to help guide the industry through this and clarify what sometimes can be confusing regulatory language,” said NWRA President and CEO Darrell Smith in a statement.
Some documents created by other parties intended for use with state or local authorities are legally deficient, citing only DHS guidance, which is nonbinding and lacking any mention of the FMCSA Emergency Declaration, which preempts state and local laws and regulations, stated NWRA. This can cause unnecessary confusion and delay for haulers when dealing with authorities. NWRA recommends that those other documents not be used.
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