Mack Auctions WTC TrucksMack Auctions WTC Trucks
August 1, 2002
Danielle Jackson
Gathering its dealers in New York, Allentown, Pa.-based Mack Trucks Inc., on June 20, auctioned-off six of its trucks that were used to help clean up the World Trade Center (WTC) site.
The donated trucks, which worked around-the-clock for six months, included one CL700 series chassis and five Granite series trucks with demolition dump bodies — all decorated with a commemorative patriotic emblem symbolizing the company's involvement in the cleanup.
"When the trucks finished their service and were returned to us, we saw an opportunity to help the USO [United Service Organizations] in serving those who are protecting and defending our freedoms," said Mack President and CEO Paul Vikner before the auction. The company then donated the $150,000 in proceeds to the USO, Washington, D.C.
Other Mack memorabilia also was auctioned-off, including paintings of old Mack models, a model truck and a huge stuffed bulldog, the company's mascot.
Kevin Flaherty, senior vice president of sales, served as auctioneer and announced that Hook Up, Joplin, Mo., would deliver the auctioned trucks free of charge to the buyers.
The event was held at Gabrielli Mack Sales and Service in Jamaica, N.Y., and host dealer Principals Armando and Amedeo Gabrielli each bought a Granite series truck. Other buyers included Todd Brown, Brown's Hunterdon Mack Sales and Service Inc., Lebanon, N.J.; Pat McMahon, Mack Trucks Sales of Charlotte Inc., Charlotte, N.C.; Bob Nuss, Mack Trucks of Rochester Inc., Rochester, Minn.; and Jon Pritchett, Nextran Truck Center of Jacksonville, Fla.
Auction attendees also were given a tour of Ground Zero in Manhattan and listened to New York City Deputy Fire Commissioner Tom Fitzpatrick and Department of Transportation (DOT) Deputy Commissioner Leon Heyward speak about the challenges in dealing with the aftermath of September 11.
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