Daily Cover-UpsDaily Cover-Ups

March 1, 2002

5 Min Read
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Danielle Jackson

Airspace Saver Daily Cover

Airspace Saver Daily Cover, Prairieville, La., offers an alternative daily cover tarping system that lasts between 12 to 24 months, according to the company. Airspace Saver's high-density woven polyethylene material, manufactured by Fabrene Inc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada, can be sewn to a desired width and length. High-tensile web straps are sewn over each heat weld and around the perimeter of the tarp for added strength, according to the company. Steel D-rings are sewn onto each strap every 12 feet and at corners for hookup capability. The company also manufactures tarps compatible with the Tarpomatic automatic tarp-rolling machine.
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Aqua-Shed Technologies

The Aqua-Shed alternative daily cover from Aqua-Shed Technologies Inc., South Houston, Texas, is a water-insoluble fibrous spray-on cover with a GERI bird- and vermin-repellant. The cover is non-toxic and features 1-millimeter and 6-millimeter plastic membranes for stormwater control, and the Terravest soil stabilizer, which provides up to one year of erosion control, the company says.
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Central Fiber

Central Fiber Corp., Wellsville, Kan., offers the 100 percent biodegradable and non-toxic Topcoat alternative daily cover. The ADC uses recycled, post-consumer newsprint and has a single-bag system applied as a ΒΌ-inch slurry using a standard hydroseeder with mechanical agitation, which is designed to reduce volume, the company says.
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Covertech Fabricating

Covertech Fabricating Inc., Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada, offers the C-440 cover made from woven, high-density polyethylene (HDPE)-coated fabric. The C-440 is reinforced with nylon strapping around the perimeter and in both directions every 12 feet. Heavy duty D-rings are used for equipment hook-up capabilities. The cover does not absorb water, is airtight, and can be dragged on and off of the landfill, the company says. Life expectancy of the C-440 is 10 months to 18 months, according to the company.
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Engineered Textile Products

Engineered Textile Products (ETP) Inc., Mobile, Ala., offers ETP landfill covers. The webbing of the covers is sewn onto the bottom with pull-through loops to the top. This allows the webbing, instead of the fabric, to bear the weight of the tarp during application and removal, according to the company. Covers can be customized.
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Enviro Group

The Formula 480 liquid clay alternative daily cover from Enviro Group Inc., Greenwood, Ind., is a biodegradable spray-on liquid clay daily cover to prevent odors, blowing debris, erosion, dust, bird and vermin infestation, and grass-seeding. The cover is non-toxic, non-flammable and non-combustible, the company says. Formula 480 comes in 55-gallon drums in concentrate form for dilution with water or leachate. After application, a blanket crust is created. This allows leachate to percolate and be recycled back into the surface as a waterproof solid, according to the company.
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EPI Environmental Products

EPI Environmental Products Inc., Conroe, Texas, offers the Enviro Cover System, a degradable, non-removable, geosynthetic alternative cover system comprised of Enviro Cover and Enviro Cover Deployers. Enviro Cover is a degradable polyethylene plastic film used for covering waste in landfills, and Enviro Cover Deployers apply the cover to the landfills. The product is designed to degrade through thermal, mechanical stress and photo processes at controllable rates to produce non-toxic, water-insoluble byproducts, according to the company. Enviro Cover is available in a variety of specifications and thicknesses ranging from 1.5 mil (1 mil = one thousandth of an inch) to 9 mil, the company says.
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Landfill Service

Landfill Service Corp., Apalachin, N.Y., offers the Posi-Shell synthetic cover, a cement-like coating for daily and intermediate cover, and erosion control applications. The Posi-Shell cover is made from mineral binder, liquid (water or leachate) and Posi-Pak fibers, which are non-flammable, non-toxic recycled materials. After application, the Posi-Shell slurry hardens to an impermeable coating that conforms to the contours of a landfill, the company says. Application requires one person and a mobile applicator, according to the company.
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New Waste Concepts

The ProGuard SB alternative daily cover from New Waste Concepts Inc., Erie, Mich., also can be used in erosion control and hydro-mulch applications. The ProGuard SB is a single-bag product packaged in 40 pounds that can cover approximately 1,500 square feet, according to the company. New Waste Concepts also offers ConCover and ProGuard SB spray-applied slurries for daily, intermediate and long-term cover needs for landfills and remediation sites.
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PacTec Inc., Clinton, La., offers the LandPac alternative daily landfill cover. Features include customization, double-stitched seams and heavy duty full-perimeter webbing. The LandPac can be made from several materials, including fire-retardant material, according to the company.
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The AC-667SE soil equivalent foam from Rusmar Inc., West Chester, Pa., forms a barrier between waste and the atmosphere to eliminate odors, the company says. Soil equivalent foam is effective year-round, can withstand moderate rainfall and is ideal for balefill applications, according to the company. The non-hazardous, non-toxic form concentrate is diluted with water before application. The pneumatic foam units used for applying the AC-667SE require no cleanup after application and come in sizes ranging from towable units to self-propelled machines, the company says. All equipment is freeze-protected for outdoor storage year-round.
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Tarpomatic Inc., Canton, Ohio, offers a self-contained, reusable landfill daily cover system that deploys and retrieves large geotextiles over landfill work faces. The system is designed for landfills from at least 50 tons to 10,000 tons or more, and weighted tarps can be used in high winds, according to the company.
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Thor Division, Odin International

The Thor Division of Odin International, Austin, Texas, manufactures five DuraShield models of alternative daily covers, including the DuraShield 8,000, 10,000, 10,500, 11,000, and 12,000; and three ThoroWeave models, including the ThoroWeave 400, 600 and 1,400. Alternative daily covers are equipment-deployed and last up to 6 years, according to the company. Thor also manufactures the Thor ADC system, which can be made from regular, fire-retardant, woven coated and uncoated materials. Standard size is 48 feet by 50 feet. Thor ADCs can be bolted together or can have grab loops attached.
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