Commingled Conversation: Pat Caruso

A light-hearted Q&A with the president and founder of Associated Refuse Haulers

December 11, 2011

2 Min Read
Commingled Conversation: Pat Caruso

We could come up with some convoluted reason to entice you to read our lighthearted Q&A with Pat Caruso, president and founder of Associated Refuse Haulers, an independent hauler based in Monroe, Conn. But why? Look at the man. That’s right. That’s a Lamborghini. And he drove it. Through the desert. IN VEGAS.
Did we mention the firearms?

Waste Age: What is your pet peeve?

Caruso: When someone does not keep their commitments.

Waste Age: What is your idea of the perfect day?

Caruso: The sun is shining, temperature 60-65 degrees. Everybody shows up to work happy and leaves happy. Trucks run fine, no issues. Customers are happy. And my wife has a wonderful dinner for me.

Waste Age: What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

Caruso: Always tell the truth – you will never get caught in a lie.

Waste Age: What was the last book you read?

Caruso: I am reading two at the same time: “Decision Points” by George W. Bush and “American Assassin” by Vince Flynn.

Waste Age: What is your favorite movie?

Caruso: “Ball of Fire” starring Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck. I believe it was made in the early 1940s. You will love the garbage truck scene.

Waste Age: What is your favorite TV show?

Caruso: “24.” On a lighter note, there is always “Curb Your Enthusiasm.”

Waste Age: Beatles or Rolling Stones?

Caruso:  Stones.

Waste Age: What is the strangest piece of trash you’ve ever come across?

Caruso: A gas mask mixed in with recycled paper from a grade school.

Waste Age: Do you prefer the beach or mountains?

Caruso: The blue waters of the Caribbean.

Waste Age: What is the one thing you couldn’t live without?

Caruso: Beside my family, oxygen. Then garbage trucks.

Waste Age: If you could invite three people — living or dead — to a dinner party, who would they be?

Caruso: I would have to invite more than three: My Gramps, my father Pat, Uncle Joe, Uncle Frank and Uncle Jim. All have passed away and all played a part in who I am today.

Waste Age: If you weren’t serving in your current role, what would you like to be?

Caruso: I would be a full time advocate for the solid waste industry.

Waste Age: What is your favorite sports team?

Caruso: The Pittsburgh Penquins.

Waste Age: If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

Caruso: Being able to prevent people from harming innocent people, especially children.

Waste Age: What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done?

Caruso: During WasteExpo 2009 in Las Vegas, my son and I rented a Lamborghini. We were cruising through the desert at 165 mph. What a thrill until we started to run out of road. We capped it off by shooting machine guns. See you in Vegas 2012!

Waste Age: What’s the one talent you have that not many people know about?

Caruso: If I told you, everybody would know.

If you have suggestions for future interviewees, send them along to [email protected].

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