ASSOCIATION UPDATE: SWANA To Recognize Collection And Transfer System ProgramsASSOCIATION UPDATE: SWANA To Recognize Collection And Transfer System Programs
March 1, 1995
Silver Spring, Md. - Now is the time to shine for collection programs and transfer systems.
The Solid Waste Association of North America's (SWANA) sixth annual Collection and Transfer Excellence Awards Program (CAP) is under way. The program is designed to recognize communities and companies that protect public health while achieving economically and environmentally sound municipal solid waste management.
Entries will be judged on planning; design; utilization of equipment; systems and technologies; public acceptance and participation; operational excellence; public and employee benefits; impact on community appearance costs and service levels; overall impact of the program on human health and the environment; and overall quality of the application.
Either the system owner/operator or the principal author of the application must be a current SWANA member. Non-members may enter by submitting membership dues along with their entry materials. The collection or transfer system must have been operational for at least 12 months prior to January 1995.
For the first time, World Wastes is cosponsoring the program. All materials are due to SWANA by May 1, 1995. To receive an application, contact: Tara Evans, SWANA, P.O. Box 7219, Silver Spring, Md. 20910. (301) 585-2898, ext. 233. Fax: (301) 589-7068.
Awards Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) has received the "Give Recycling A Hand" award from the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries Inc., Washington, D.C.
Certification The Trevira Spunbound Business Unit at Hoechst Celanese Corp., Spartanburg, S.C., has received ISO 9002 certification.
Contracts ICF Kaiser International Inc., Fairfax, Va., has been awarded a five-year contract to manage the Environmental Protection Agency's quality assurance laboratory in Las Vegas.
GBB, Falls Church, Va., has been contracted to evaluate the City of Houston's solid waste and recycling collection system.
GreenCycle of Indiana, headquartered in Northfield, Ill. has received a composting contract from the Lake County, Ind. Solid Waste Management District
Installation Mosley Machinery Co., Waco, Texas, will install a Badger baler in Gordon County, Ga.
New Address Landfill Gas & Environmental Products Inc., Lakeside, Calif., has moved to 9855 Prospect Ave., Santee, Calif. 92071. (619) 596-9038. Fax: (619) 596-9088.
New Facility VEKA Inc., Sombell, Pa., has opened a vinyl recycling plant in Behringen, Germany.
Correction In the January issue, World Wastes incorrectly reported that Lindemann Recycling Equipment Inc., Pineville, N.C., had installed a hydraulic scrap shear at Industrial Mechanical Co. (IMC) in San Antonio. In fact, IMC was contracted by Lindemann to fabricate the shear, which was sold to United Winner Metals Inc., Chesapeake, Va.
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