2001 Listing of Rated Stationary Compactors

March 1, 2001

20 Min Read
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The Compactor Project Working Group of the Waste Equipment Technology Association (WASTEC), a part of the Environmental Industry Associations (EIA), developed and periodically updates the WASTEC Listing of Rated Stationary Compactors. EIA is an integrated international association representing the private sector of the solid waste and recycling industry.

This listing is a revision of the 1997 edition of the Waste Equipment Technology Association (WASTEC) Listing of Rated Stationary Compactors. This eleventh edition of the WASTEC Listing supersedes earlier WASTEC and NSWMA editions. It is an authoritative reference document prepared by industry engineers and technical personnel to be used by purchasing agents or anyone needing to accurately compare one unit to another. As of the publication date of this eleventh edition of the Listing, any stationary compactor that is not listed in this publication is not considered WASTEC (formerly NSWMA) rated and may not display the seal. The NSWMA-rated seal is replaced by the current WASTEC-rated seal.

It is the intention and goal of WASTEC to provide accurate information on its members' products and promote the timely development of industry equipment standards to ensure equipment safety and compatibility. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the data; however, WASTEC or EIA is not responsible for the accuracy of the data or for the performance of the equipment. The WASTEC listings contained herein serve as a reference baseline of technical information on currently available WASTEC-rated compaction equipment.

Questions concerning the listing may be referred to the Technical Programs Manager of the WASTEC staff at 800/424-2869. Questions concerning the equipment should be referred to the equipment manufacturer.

Preface: How to Use This Listing

This listing is designed for use by officials in the course of developing specifications for procurement of compactors. It efficiently leads end-users to manufacturers that produce equipment that meets their needs. The data illustrates that a wide variety of equipment exists in the marketplace to satisfy a variety of needs. After you have determined your equipment requirements and limitations, you are ready to evaluate the equipment listed in the listing and make selections as an informed and effective end-user. Briefly, the steps to follow to best use the information in the listing are:

  1. Identify the waste service need in terms of volume and waste per day needing compaction and disposal;

  2. Identify in general the types of wastes (e.g., office, heavy packaging, food service, recyclable metals, etc.) in order to determine whether heavy-duty or light-duty machine construction, for example, is required;

  3. Identify whether or not the machine will be subject to impacts, such as materials discharged from a chute;

  4. Identify the specific location of the machine, which determines the ease of material pickup and specific installation requirements;

  5. Ask several manufacturers or their distributor representative to provide information concerning similar installations nearby where performance and operation problems may be evaluated;

  6. Write the equipment specifications as performance specifications. Example: compactors in the range of 1 to 11/2 cubic yards (WASTEC-rated size) that will compact 60 cubic yards per day of primarily loose office waste, metals, food, packaging, etc., subject to rough treatment, that may be sited in a (description) waste processing area (cart dumping capability) required; and

  7. Ask for bids, evaluate the responses, and make your selection.

Introduction and Purpose

The Compactor Project Working Group developed and periodically updates this listing. EIA is an integrated international association representing the private sector of the solid waste industry. Members comprise waste service companies involved in the collection, transportation, recycling, and disposal of solid and medical wastes, including equipment manufacturers, distributors and consultants.

As the waste industry grows, it becomes more and more sophisticated and adopts more modern technologies. It is a capital-intensive industry that uses very specialized over-the-road and onsite equipment. Under these conditions, manufacturers of compaction equipment need a means of providing a common denominator for easy and accurate comparison of the many different models of stationary compaction equipment, for their own marketing advantage and for the benefit of their customers. To meet this need, and at the request of the compactor-manufacturing members of WASTEC, this listing of WASTEC-rated compactors was developed. The listing provides a reference baseline of technical information for stationary compaction equipment.

The listing sets forth criteria for rating stationary compactors using specific physical and performance characteristics. Also listed are the various manufacturers' equipment models that have been rated by WASTEC. The Listing of Rated Stationary Compactors is intended for use by field engineers and procurement officials in assessing and determining requirements for specific installations.

Stationary compactors evolved during the early 1960s to increase efficiency of waste disposal operations. On-site volume reduction of waste or recyclables, by compressing into easily transportable containers, reduces the trips to the disposal facility, eliminates unsightly storage areas, and decreases the frequency and cost of the collection for both the end-user and the transporter. The compactor market that developed in the earlier years, and which continues today, includes residential, institutional, commercial, and industrial applications. Compactors range in size from small residential appliances to large industrial units designed to compress waste materials for bulk over-the-road movement from transfer stations to final disposal facilities.

Stationary compactor designs have evolved into six basic types. The term “stationary compactor” applied to any unit of compaction equipment designed to be placed in service and operated in a fixed location, even though the unit may be configured to be easily disconnected and transported when not in operation.

The six types include:

  • Stationary Horizontal Compactors, Figure 1. These are powered machines that compact materials by horizontal movement of a ram. These compactors may be permanently attached to the waste container and transported to a landfill or facility when dumping is required. (See Self-Contained Horizontal Compactors.)

  • Self-Contained Horizontal Compactors, Figure 2. These are powered machines that are a combination compactor and container permanently mounted and attached to a roll-off base.

  • Combination-Containers, Figure 3. These are powered machines using rams that are located totally within the waste container.

  • Vertical Compactors, Figure 4C. These powered machines compact materials by vertical movements of a ram. (See Self-Contained Horizontal Compactors.)

  • Apartment Compactors, Figures 4A-C. These powered machines are for specialized usage in apartment complexes.

  • Pivoting Ram Compactors, Figure 6. These powered machines use rams that pivot around a fixed axis to compact materials.

This guide is organized following the basic points discussed in Section I. Section II, WASTEC Rating Criteria and Performance Characteristics for Stationary Horizontal Compactors, and Section III, WASTEC Rating Criteria and Performance Characteristics for Stationary Horizontal

Pivoting Ram Compactors, depict definitions and procedures used to determine the listed performance characteristics. Section IV lists the manufacturers in alphabetical order, including those compactor models that have met the stated criteria, have been so certified by a registered professional engineer, and have been WASTEC-rated.

The “WASTEC-Rated” seal identifies the manufacturer as having “rated the performance characteristics of the equipment in the conformance with the rating of standards of WASTEC.” Seals may be purchased only from WASTEC.

While selected characteristics are necessarily based upon compactors employing horizontal actuating rams, the criteria are not restricted to this type of stationary compaction equipment. The application of the criteria to models that do not use a horizontal actuating ram is presented in Section III.

WASTEC Rating Criteria and Performance Characteristics for Stationary Compactors

The physical characteristics and performance parameters of the WASTEC Stationary Compactor Rating Criteria are presented below. The physical characteristics include dimensional data and weight of the compactor; the performance parameters directly relate to the operation of the compactor.

Where applicable, the dimensional symbols are identified below for the compactor physical parameters. This is illustrated in Figure 5.



Manufacturer's Model Name/Number


WASTEC-Rated Size = B × E × J (nearest 0.01 cubic yards)

Compactor Rating Characteristics


Clear top opening:

• Length (nearest 0.5 inch)

Dimension A

• Width (nearest 0.5 inch)

Dimension D, E, or F (whichever is less)


Chamber length (nearest 0.5 inch)

Dimension B


Ram stroke

Dimension C


Ram penetration (nearest 0.5 inch)

= C - B


Ram face

• Width (nearest 0.5 inch)

Dimension E

• Height (nearest 0.5 inch)

Dimension J


Cylinder stroke (nearest 0.5 inch)

Dimension K


Bore size (nearest 0.01 inch)

Dimension L


Rod size (nearest 0.01 inch)

Dimension N


Discharge opening:

• Width (nearest 0.5 inch)

Dimension G

• Height (nearest 0.5 inch)

Dimension M


Ground height (nearest 0.5 inch)

Dimension GH


Scale weight (pounds)

Compactor Performance Parameters


System (operating) pressures:

• Normal (nearest 100 psi)

• Maximum (nearest 100 psi)


Ram force:

• Normal (to nearest 100 pounds)

• Maximum (to nearest 100 pounds)


Resultant ram force


Normal/maximum (psi)


Motor size (horsepower)/service factor (hundredths)


Normal cycle time (seconds)


Volume displacement rate (VDR)


Pump capacity (in GPM)/type

Definition of Terms

The following definitions describe the WASTEC compactor rating criteria that characterize horizontal refuse compactors. They are presented in alphabetical order and, where applicable, are graphically illustrated in Figure 5. For interpretation of these parameters when applied to pivoting ram compactors, consult Section III.


Bore is the inside diameter of the ram cylinder measured to the nearest hundredth inch (Example, 7.01 inches). (Dimension L, Figure 5.)

Chamber Length

Chamber length (in inches) represents the linear displacement of the ram within the compactor. It is measured from the ram face in the retracted position or the rear wall of the charging chamber, whichever is the lesser, to the compactor-container interface, as illustrated by Dimension B in Figure 5. If the ram retracts behind the rear wall of the charging chamber, the chamber length is measured from the rear wall to the compactor-container interface.

Clear Top Opening

The clear top opening defines the minimum free-fall clearance from the top to the bottom of the charging chamber. It defines the dimensions (length and width) in inches of the largest object that can be placed in the chamber. Its length is measured from the ram face in its retracted position to the nearest point on the breaker bar of the compactor of the minimum throat, given by Dimension A in Figure 5. If the ram retracts behind the rear of the charging chamber, the minimum free-fall clearance measured from the rear wall to the nearest point on the breaker bar (Dimension A) will be used to define the length of the charging chamber. The width of the clear top opening is defined as Dimension D, E, or F (whichever is the lesser) depicted in Figure 5. (Note: Power cylinder penetrations through the ram reduce the clear top opening.)

Cycle Time (normal)

Cycle time is the time, measured or calculated, stated in seconds, which is required for a completed ram cycle not under load. A ram cycle is defined by the displacement of the ram from its fully retracted position through its normal packing extended position to its fully retracted position. It is the normal cycle, not the pack-out cycle.

The time for a fixed or variable pump, may be calculated by the formula:

[2 × (bore area) - (rod area) × stroke
÷ 231 = Vol (gls);
Vol (gls) ÷ 60 = cycle time (t) (secs)

The cycle time for a regenerative pump is calculated by the formula:

(Bore area) × cylinder stroke
÷ 231 = Vol (gls);
Vol (gls) ÷ 60 = cycle time (t) (secs)

Cylinder Stroke

Cylinder stroke is the distance in inches that the cylinder extends, measured between the centers of the pin-off points. Cylinder stroke equals the length of the cylinder in the extended position minus the length of the cylinder in the fully closed position. (Dimension K, Figure 5. Note: Cylinder stroke may differ from ram stroke if limit switches are used to control the movement of the ram. Identify differences on the worksheet where differences exist.)

Discharge Opening

The discharge opening of the compactor (in inches) is specified in terms of the overall width and height of the lead-in flange of the compactor. Dimensions G and M in Figure 5 characterize the discharge opening, which defines the minimum dimensions for the mating container. Where a partial lead-in flange is used, that is, a top or bottom flange only, the height dimension should be stated as if a full flange were intended (both top and bottom of discharge opening.)

Ground Height

Height from ground to bottom of discharge opening (in inches) identified as dimension GH in Figure 5.

Motor Size/Service Factor

Motor size (rated horsepower) is defined in terms of the National Electrical Manufacturer Association (NEMA, Bethesda, Md.) rating. The service factor (expressed in hundredths) represents a percentage of the rated horsepower, which is a sustained, not peak, value.

Pump GPM/System Types

Pump output measured in gallons per minute. Pump system type such as fixed, variable, or regenerative.

Ram Face

The ram face is specified in the full width and height of the ram in inches, given by Dimensions E and J, Figure 5.

Resultant Ram Force

Resultant ram force is defined as the pounds per square inch (psi) on the ram face (full width and height of a ram) at stated forces. Both the normal and maximum forces will be used. These forces are determined by dividing the normal and the maximum ram force in pounds by the total area of the ram face in square inches. Normal ram forces are stated at the recommended actuator force available for continuous service, and maximum ram forces are stated at the force level available for final compaction (pin off-jog-pack-out).

Ram Penetration

Ram penetration (in inches) is defined as the difference between the ram stroke, Dimension C, and the chamber length, Dimension B, Figure 5. For example, ram penetration equals (C-B), representing the portion of the forward ram stroke available for the final compaction and pack of the refuse in the container.

Ram Stroke

Ram stroke (in inches) represents the maximum linear displacement of the ram in the compaction phase of a cycle (forward stroke) as depicted in Figure 5 by Dimension C. It includes the distance that the ram penetrates into the container during a compaction stroke. It does not include any retraction distance of the ram behind the rear wall of the loading chamber.

Rod Actuator Area

Road actuator area is the perpendicular cross-sectional area in square inches of the bore determined by the formula: area = p (3.14) r 2, or rod actuator area = 3.14 × (bore radius) 2.

Rod Size

Rod size is the outside diameter of the ram cylinder rod, measured in hundredth of inches (Dimension N, Figure 5).

Scale Weight

Weight (in pounds) of compactor and standard power unit less hydraulic fluid; does not include the weight of hoppers, support stands, ramps, container guide tracks and any other optional equipment.

System Pressure

System pressure is defined as the normal and maximum operating pressure in the hydraulic system as set by the manufacturer and is specified in pounds per square inch.

Volume Displacement Rate

Volume displacement rate (VDR) is defined as the number of cubic yards per hour of refuse that can be processed by the compactor at 100% utilization (continuous cycling of the compactor). It is calculated as the WASTEC Rated Size times the number of cycles per hour of the unit as determined by measured cycle time. This is a theoretical measure of compactor capacity and is offered as comparative data only.

WASTEC Rated Size

The theoretical volume of material moved by the ram within the confines of the stationary compactor in a single stroke. This volume displacement is calculated in cubic yards (nearest hundredth) using the distance from the ram face in the retracted position or the rear wall of the charging chamber, whichever is the lesser, to the compactor-container interface, Dimension B; the inside wall dimension of the charging chamber, Dimension E; and the height of the ram, Dimension J. The WASTEC Rated Size is thus computed in cubic yards and the product of dimensions B × E × J.

WASTEC Rating Criteria and Performance Characteristics for Stationary Pivoting Ram Compactors

For refuse compactors that do not employ a horizontal actuating ram, the WASTEC rating criteria are applied to horizontal pivoting ram stationary compactors as presented below. It is the policy of WASTEC to expand the rating criteria, where reasonably applicable, to reflect all available types of stationary compactors.

Pivoting ram compactors is the general term used for describing stationary compactors that employ a ram hinged parallel to the breaker bar at the base of the breaker bar (Figure 6). The ram rotates (or pivots) about a horizontal axis, sweeping the refuse through the hopper into the container. Insert (a) for Figure 6 illustrates the various ram position to be considered for rating, whereas insert (b) depicts how the clear top opening length, chamber length, ram stroke, and ram penetration are defined. The WASTEC rating criteria are interpreted for the following parameters:

WASTEC Rated Size

The theoretical volume of material moved by the ram within the confines of the stationary compactor in a single stroke; computed as:

WASTEC Rated Size (nearest 0.01 cu. yds.) = ram width/36 × p (R/36)2 × (sweep angle/360 degrees)


  • Ram width is given in inches

  • The value of p is constant (3.14)

  • R is the height of the ram in inches

  • The sweep angle is the degrees traveled by the ram from its rest position to the front of the breaker bar; depicted in Figure 6.

Clear-Top Opening Length

The clear-top opening length is the perpendicular distance (in inches) from the ram (in its rear position) to the nearest point on the breaker bar. If the ram retracts behind the rear wall of the charging chamber, the minimum clearance opening will be specified. The width of the clear-top opening is defined in the same manner as the horizontal actuating ram compactors. The clear-top opening defines the dimensions (length and width) of the largest object that can be placed in the chamber.

Chamber length

The chamber length is the horizontal displacement of the ram within the compactor. It is measured in inches from the ram face in the retracted position or the rear wall of the charging chamber, whichever is the lesser, to the compactor-container interface as indicated by Dimension B. If the ram retracts behind the rear wall of the charging chamber, chamber length is measured from the rear wall to the compactor-container interface.

Ram penetration

The difference (in inches) between ram stroke (Dimension C) and chamber length (Dimension B). It represents the portion of the forward ram stroke available for final compaction of the load in the container.

Resultant Ram Force

Resultant ram force is defined as the pounds per square inch (psi) on the ram face (full width and height of a ram) at stated forces. Both the normal and maximum forces will be used. The resultant ram force of wide-mouth compactors is determined by resolving the total force into the perpendicular force component that acts directly on the ram face when the arm is in the vertical position or at the breaker bar. The resultant ram force is computed using the following formula:

Perpendicular force component = total force × cosine angle (_);
Resultant ram force = perpendicular force component ÷ ram face area

Where the angle (_) is defined in degrees by the center of the exerting cylinders and the perpendicular force component direction (Figure 6).

The remaining characteristics and parameters, e.g., scale weight, cylinder stroke, bore size, rod size, cycle time, discharge opening, ground height, motor size, motor service factor, ram face, and system pressure, are to be interpreted as specified for horizontal actuating ram compactors.


WASTEC, the Waste Equipment Technology Association, a part of the Environmental Industry Associations, is the only trade association that represents companies that manufacture, distribute, consult, and service equipment and technology used in the management of solid and medical wastes and recycling operations. WASTEC's mission is to provide leadership in drafting and proposing domestic waste equipment standards, enhancing the visibility of our members in the marketplace, and voicing the concerns of its members before government, news media, business interests, and other national and international organizations.

WASTEC is active in issues dealing with transportation, material processing, residential containers, commercial containers, medical waste, landfill equipment, and size reduction. WASTEC also has an active and growing Market Statistics Program, the annual Products and Services Directory, and the WASTEC's Equipment Technology News newsletter. WASTEC members gather semi-annually to attend the WASTEC Winter Conference and the WASTEC Executive Roundtable Conference. Additionally, nearly all WASTEC members display their products and services at the industry's premier trade show, WasteExpo.

If your company is not currently a member of WASTEC, please give us a call and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have. To obtain a WASTEC Membership Application, visit us online at www.wastec.org, or call our toll free Fax-on-Demand Service at 877/201-7539 and request Doc. #211.


Waste Equipment Technology Association (WASTEC)
4301 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20008
Phone: 800/424-2869 • 202/244-2700 • Fax: 202/966-4824

Model Name or Number

WASTEC Rated Size(cubic yards)

Clear Top Opening(inches — Length, Width)

Ram Face Dimensions(inches — Width, Height,Penetration)

Motor Size (horsepower)/Service Factor (tenths)

Pump (gallons per minute)/Type of Pump (F=Fixed, RE=Regenerative, V=Variable)

Bucks Fabricating

3547 Perry Highway, Hadley, PA 16130 • (800) 233-0867

BF 250 SC1






Harmony Enterprises, Inc., GPI Division

704 Main Avenue North, Harmony, MN 55939 • (800) 658-2320





































HiRise Recycling Systems Inc.

8505 NW 74th Street, Miami FL 33166 • (800) 934-3726

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