N.J. County Approves Plan for Organic Waste Recycling FacilityN.J. County Approves Plan for Organic Waste Recycling Facility

August 3, 2020

1 Min Read

Union County in northeastern New Jersey will soon break ground on a privately financed $220 million recycling facility after officials approved an amendment in the county’s recycling plan that paves the way for the facility’s construction.

Among the facility’s operations will be converting organic waste into natural gas plus other organic recycled material, including liquid fertilizer.

The facility, which requires approval from New Jersey’s Department of Environmental Protection, is slated to be built on a 21-acre parcel at Tremley Point in Linden.

The construction is expected to begin no later than the first quarter of 2021 and will take about 16 months, according to officials of Linden Renewable Energy, the subsidiary of RNG Energy Solutions of Hampton, N.H., that will operate the facility.

Read the original article here.

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