Maryland's New Food Waste Law Spurs Anaerobic Digestion Facility ConstructionMaryland's New Food Waste Law Spurs Anaerobic Digestion Facility Construction

July 19, 2021

1 Min Read
food waste

Large food operators in Maryland such as Coastal Sunbelt, a fresh produce distributor and processor, will soon be able to send their food waste to a new facility.

A new state law will require large supermarkets, convention centers and public and private cafeterias that generate two tons or more food waste weekly to divert it form landfills. Bioenergy Devco, which operates 240 anaerobic digestion plants around the world, is currently building a large-scale facility so companies like Coastal Sunbelt can have a place that can adequately manages its food waste.

There are seven composting facilities and three anaerobic digesters in the state to date.

Read the entire article here.

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