Spotlight Session: Opportunities & Challenges of Refuse Fleet Electrification – What We’ve Learned (WasteExpo 2021)Spotlight Session: Opportunities & Challenges of Refuse Fleet Electrification – What We’ve Learned (WasteExpo 2021)
July 22, 2021

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Fleet electrification is on the rise. Lofty goals have been set. Large orders have been placed. Pilot and beta programs have rolled out in a handful of U.S. cities. We first broached this topic during WasteExpo Together Online with a handful of manufacturers and city sanitation representatives from Los Angeles and New York. Much was discussed—assessment of needs, infrastructure support and impact, truck features, battery life, multipurpose trucks—the list continues. Join this lively discussion to hear what New York and Los Angeles have learned since we last talked to them. Their insight and answers to your questions will help you on your pathway to fleet electrification.
Andy Campbell, Supplier Development Supervisor, Sourcewell
Katherine Stainken, Senior Director of Policy, Electrification Coalition
Robert Potter, Sanitation Solid Resource Manager II, Los Angeles Sanitation and Environment (LASAN), City of Los Angeles
Rocco DiRico, Deputy Commissioner, NYC Department of Sanitation
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