Demolition Association To Hold Safety SummitDemolition Association To Hold Safety Summit
The National Demolition Association, Doylestown, Pa., will hold its 11th Annual Safety Summit at the Holiday Inn BWI in Baltimore, Md., on Oct. 27-28. Experts from both the private and public sectors will speak on a variety of safety topics that impact those involved in the demolition process. The topics are designed to be of interest to demolition contractors, general contractors, civil engineers, recyclers and landfill operators.
Admission is $200 per person. A limited number of hotel rooms are available at a special rate. Room reservations should be made through the National Demolition Association. To register for the event, call Laura Huestis or Pegi Boyne at (215) 348-4949 or (800) 541-2412, or send an e-mail to [email protected].
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