Waste Industries Eyes Students’ EmptiesWaste Industries Eyes Students’ Empties

August 27, 2003

1 Min Read
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Lynn Schenkman

Raleigh, N.C. -- Waste Industries USA Inc. has formed a partnership with the North Carolina State University Office of Waste Reduction and Recycling to encourage can and bottle recycling. The "Chuck It" program will be introduced at NC State’s home football games this year. Special Chuck It zones will be set up throughout the Carter Finley Stadium’s parking lot, and "Chuckwagons" will cruise the parking lots prior to games collecting cans and bottles from partying tail-gaters. The program was devised by Paul Mobley, who is a sophomore mechanical engineering major. According to NC State officials, the school has the potential to divert more than 50 tons of material from landfills during a single football game.

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