Incorporating Pumps and Controls Into Design (WWETT Show 2023)Incorporating Pumps and Controls Into Design (WWETT Show 2023)
March 23, 2023
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This session will look at how using controlled dosing through pumps can offer many advantages to your onsite treatment system design. We will discuss dosing control, volume control, directional control, and flow equalization. We will also discuss operational data collection and system monitoring through control panels.
Learning Objectives:
1. Identify the circumstances where controlled dosing through pumps offer advantages
2. Describe the control panel options in detail that can be incorporated into your designs
3. Explain how control panels can collect data for useful design and operational decision-making
4. Recognize how data collection and monitoring controls systems can save money in many systems
Speaker: Michael Stephens, Wastewater Product Manager at Valley Farms Supply
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