Dreaming of a Circular Economy

Waste360 Staff, Staff

May 17, 2016

1 Min Read
Dreaming of a Circular Economy

The words “circular economy” are becoming more and more popular these days as waste and recycling industry leaders develop new ways to divert items from the landfill, but it is far from becoming a reality.

The world is on track for the ocean to contain a ton of plastic of every three tons of fish by 2025, according to a rethinking plastic report conducted by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, and an Australian organization recently claimed that the amount of plastic wastes on the Earth is enough to cover the entire planet with plastic.

In order to stop these events from happening, the world must make changes to cut back on the production of waste.

The Huffington Post highlights the ups and downs of creating a circular economy:

There’s an idea for a world without trash.

Items are not just recycled, but created with the intention of making new things out of them after they are used. Imagine if every pair of Levi’s jeans were manufactured with fibers made to be pulled apart and repurposed into a new pair of jeans after the old ones are cast off. The cycle repeats itself endlessly, meaning old jeans become new jeans, rather than being chucked into a landfill.

This is the promise of the “circular economy,” a metaphorical description of a world where nothing ever needs to be discarded because goods are designed with materials that can be constantly remade into something else. It’s important to note that the concept is pretty theoretical at this point. There are companies that are working on making their operations more circular — even big ones like Walmart — but no one yet can claim to have a business free of waste.

Read the full story here.

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