Is it possible to capitalise on the planet's interests?Is it possible to capitalise on the planet's interests?

When growth and environmental friendliness go hand in hand

March 22, 2019

3 Min Read

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Would you like to lead a company that uses and reuses resources more efficiently - and at the same time achieves new growth goals? It is unlikely that anyone will say no to that. But how do you get the planet's mood barometer to rise in line with the numbers on the bottom line?

We know we have to worry on behalf of the planet and the climate, and concepts like circular economy are trying to merge the respective agendas of the finance director and environmentalist. However, it can seem like a muddy field, where the details, nuances - and not least the possibilities for action - are difficult to get an overview of.

But the fact is that the transition to a more circular economy has great benefits for both the environment and the economy, but there is a long road from thought to action. As a result, there is a need for more clarity and transparency in relation to the possibilities of optimising a product or service, where the circular economy contributes to increased earnings as well as greater environmental considerations.

Whether you are a private company, a public body or a private citizen, it can seem like complex and unmanageable decision-making processes that link the ambitions for environmental concerns with the solutions available on the market. A good place to start is our waste and the route planning it includes.

When waste is something bad

One of the biggest global challenges is the amount of waste. We produce way too much waste, and the amount of waste worldwide will explode over the coming years. According to the World Bank, the world's cities produce more than 2 billion tons of waste each year. The figure is expected to rise to 3.4 billion tons by 2050. 3.4 billion tons of waste! An alarming figure that really puts new demands on the balance between the buy-and-throw-away culture on the one hand and a closed eco-system where nothing is wasted on the other side. It is in this connection that the circular economy can become a golden bridge where both environmental and growth considerations are taken into account.

Route optimisation is a specific and proved tool with value-creating results that can satisfy the CFO as well as the CSR manager. With the right digital solution it is possible to help municipalities and waste companies with a significant saving, which also benefits the environment - and thus all of us.

The logic behind better logistics

By optimising logistics, municipalities and companies can reduce the number of kilometres they drive. There are examples of 25% reductions in CO2 emissions as well as in time spent on driving. At AMCS, we have developed a unique route optimisation system equipped with efficient optimisation algorithms, where the system can match requirements of any industry - whether it be distribution, pickup, collection or a combination of these. Fewer cars on the road mean less CO2 emissions, less administration, less driving time. Win-win-win. And with intelligent IT solutions, all companies with components in transport and logistics can achieve the obvious benefits of the circular economy - and even with improved customer service and greater delivery precision as a positive side benefit.

Circular economy in connection with transport and route optimisation is thus a sustainable economic model, which provides noticeable efficiency benefits while at the same time the company performs better on the CSR goals. By leveraging our innovation capabilities and digital skills to develop new business models, we can create a result that is both sustainable and bottom-line-oriented.

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