With Recycling Centers Dwindling in SF, One Operator Plans to Bring the People to his BusinessWith Recycling Centers Dwindling in SF, One Operator Plans to Bring the People to his Business
September 22, 2014
As San Francisco evicts recycling centers and blocks new ones from opening, the owner of a Bayview facility is about to take his redemption show on the road.
"If we cannot go closer to the people, we have to bring the people closer to us," Ors Csaszar said of his plan to launch a recycling shuttle service.
Csaszar owns the 20,000-square-foot facility Our Planet Recycling. In July, his plan to open a second location, in South of Market, was shot down by neighbors.
The bus service launch comes as The City's recycling redemption centers have been shuttered at various locations in recent years, falling from 35 in 1990 to 13 today, which has made The City one of the worst service areas in the state. The facilities have faced criticism by some residents for attracting homeless people, litter and crime. The lack of service means hundreds of small businesses that sell beverage containers could be on the hook to start collecting the recyclables, under state law AB 2020, but that's something city officials are hoping to prevent.
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