Waste Management Seeks to Annex Landfill, Recycling Center in Savannah, Ga.Waste Management Seeks to Annex Landfill, Recycling Center in Savannah, Ga.

The company is looking to connect to the city’s water and sewer services to treat its landfill leachate instead of trucking it offsite.

Waste360 Staff, Staff

August 16, 2019

1 Min Read
landfill leachate

Waste Management of Georgia has requested that the city of Savannah annex its landfill and recycling center onto 12 parcels totaling 953 acres in the Little Neck Road area.

Waste Management is looking to connect to the city’s water and sewer services in order to treat its landfill leachate instead of trucking it offsite, Savannah Now reports. The city was scheduled to acknowledge the receipt of Waste Management’s request during its August 15 meeting. Ordinances for annexation and any needed zoning will be on a future agenda.

In addition, Waste Management is on the City Council’s agenda for a contract to landfill biosolids from its area treatment plants.

Savannah Now has more:

Waste Management of Georgia has asked the city to annex its landfill and recycling center into Savannah.

The annexation petition is for 12 parcels that total 953 acres located on the west side of Interstate 95 in the area of Little Neck Road. The property is operated as Superior Landfill and Recycling Center.

Read the full article here.

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