Introducing Text-To-Order For Roll-Off HaulersIntroducing Text-To-Order For Roll-Off Haulers

Start receiving orders through text message to simplify the service order experience for customers, streamline your operations and boost your bottom line.

March 14, 2018

3 Min Read
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Did you know that ordering a pizza is now as simple as texting Domino’s a pizza emoji? It’s true. And it’s just one example of companies, across all industries, using text messaging to simplify the ordering experience for customers, streamline their own operations, and ultimately, boost their bottom line. In fact, text message ordering is already being applied in the waste and recycling industry with Text-To-Order for roll-off haulers.


An example of Compology's automated Text-to-Order-solution

The Value of Text Messaging

Sometimes, something as simple as automated text messages can have a huge impact for haulers and their customers:

  • Happy customers means repeat customers

Text-To-Order helps the hauler-generator relationship in a number of ways and can strengthen customer loyalty and generate new customers:

– Speed & Ease-of-Use: Generators can place or confirm an order in seconds. The best part is, this isn’t some complicated technology or a new tool customers need to learn - it’s just text messaging from their cell phone.

– 24/7/365 Ordering & Immediate Confirmation: Generators are no longer limited to ordering service strictly during their hauler’s business hours. The automated texting process lets your customers submit orders whenever they’re ready and instantly be notified that their order is being processed.

– Reminders & Prompts: Generators are usually busy, and sometimes they’re not even at the same site as their container - meaning ordering service isn’t always top of mind. With automated text reminders, haulers help customers remove one more task from their long list of responsibilities.

– Improved Safety: With reminders and simple text ordering, generators can always have container capacity resulting in cleaner, tidier sites.

  • Faster container turns means more revenue opportunity

Right now, our customer data suggests that it takes roughly three days for a container to fill, but nine days for that same container to be called in for service. Prompts, reminders and a simple text-to-order process help haulers close that gap by turning containers up to 60% faster. This maximizes the revenue each container can provide.

  • Reduced inbound call volume means saving time and money

Our customers say that each customer service call they receive costs them roughly $2-5 to answer. With automated text ordering, haulers can reduce the number of incoming order calls and improve customer service, all while reducing their operational costs.

Getting Started with Automated Text Ordering

All it takes to start receiving customers orders and send reminders via text is to set up your customer’s information through a web-based software and it’s ready to go.

Step 1 - Quick Setup

Enter customer phone number in Compology

Step 2 - Receive Service Request via Text

Customer inbound text automatically creates a work order/service request in Compology’s software

Step 3 - Dispatch

Dispatch via Compology (or a software of your choice)


Work orders are automatically created within Compology’s web-based platform once a text order is placed so you can dispatch more easily.

Combining Text-To-Order with Compology's image-based sensors enables haulers to automatically prompt customers to schedule service based on actual container fullness, making it even more likely for a customer to schedule pickups faster.


Enhance Text-To-Order by combining it with Compology’s image-based container monitoring system.

Whether it’s implementing text messaging or using another tool to simplify operations, haulers must continuously be looking for ways to reduce costs, maximize container utilization to boost revenue and improve customer satisfaction.

For more information on Text-To-Order, watch our short demo, or visit Compology to learn about how our image-based container monitoring can benefit your business directly.

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