Science Reject 8095Science Reject 8095
Sure your mom loves you. But does she love you enough to wade into a Dumpster in high heels for your educational benefit? Christy Roe of Atlanta did just that after her son's seventh-grade science project wound up in the trash. Roe had brought the box containing her son's project, illustrating the principle of momentum, to school. Not wanting to interrupt his class, she left it outside the door of the science teacher's classroom. She returned 10 minutes later to find the box had vanished.
Roe soon learned that a custodian had mistaken the box for trash and disposed of it in the school's Dumpster. After failing to convince the custodian to retrieve it, she went in after it herself. She unearthed pieces of the project, but was unable to find the $25 Newton's Cradle that was the centerpiece of the display. Police had to be called to pacify Roe, who believed the cradle was stolen. She was subsequently asked to leave the premises. Nevertheless, her son got full credit on the assignment. Not that it mattered.
"He doesn't even care," Roe told the Atlanta Journal Constitution. "All he cares about is video games."
SOURCE: Atlanta Journal & Constitution
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