Erema Expanding US Site to Show Recycling Systems CapacityErema Expanding US Site to Show Recycling Systems Capacity
April 2, 2015
1 Min Read
Plastic recycling systems maker Erema looks at the United States and likes what it sees.
So much so that the Austrian company’s Erema North America Inc.’s unit is investing millions of dollars in an expansion aimed at providing more stateside service to its customer base.
Mike Horrocks, CEO of Erema North America, said during an interview at NPE 2015 in Orlando that construction is beginning soon on an expansion project that will see his company’s Ipswich, Mass., location increase from 10,000 to 25,000 square feet. The extra space will be used to install $2 million of additional Erema equipment, allowing U.S. customers more opportunity to see and test the company’s wares.
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