Milwaukee Launches Year-Long Organics Composting Pilot StudyMilwaukee Launches Year-Long Organics Composting Pilot Study
Nearly 500 households are participating in the study and utilizing brown organics carts for organics waste.

Organics collection continues to gain traction in cities across the U.S., and Milwaukee is the most recent city to test out the system. In November 2016, the city launched a year-long organics composting study, and nearly 500 households are participating in the study and utilizing brown organics carts for organics waste.
The pilot program costs $12.75 a month, and pickup is every other week during the winter and weekly during the spring, summer and fall seasons.
Fox6 has more information:
It is the biggest trend in waste management: organics collection. City of Milwaukee officials want to know if it can work. Right now, the city is testing organics collection.
Nearly 500 Milwaukee households signed up for a new organics composting pilot study.
"I was really excited to see the city was doing this project," said Nick Fleisher.
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