Southwest Colorado Sends More Waste to Landfills despite Recycling GrowthSouthwest Colorado Sends More Waste to Landfills despite Recycling Growth
Despite the fact that recycling is on the rise, consumers in Southwest Colorado are sending more waste to landfills than they were in 2007. On average, each resident is producing 5.9 lbs. of trash per day, which is much higher than the national average of 4.4 lbs. per day.
Facilities have seen an increase in collections, but the region as a whole is currently diverting only 14 percent of the materials from landfill.
The Durango Herald has more:
Even though recycling is on the rise regionally, consumers in Southwest Colorado are sending more trash to landfills than they were in 2007.
For example, WCA Waste, which operates the Bondad Landfill, has seen an almost 7 percent increase from 243,487 cubic yards of garbage in 2007 to 260,528 in 2015, according to the Southwest Colorado Index Report.
“There’s definitely room for improvement,” said Donna Graves, who helped edit the report for Region 9 Economic Development District of Southwest Colorado.
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