OSU–Cascades Proposes Efficient Landfill Remediation StrategyOSU–Cascades Proposes Efficient Landfill Remediation Strategy
The strategy could eliminate 29,600 truck trips and reduce the impact of campus development on the community.

Engineering consultants hired by Oregon State University–Cascades have designed a landfill reclamation strategy that could eliminate 29,600 truck trips and reduce the impact of campus development on the community by reusing excavated and cleaned material from the landfill to grade and fill the pumice mine to the desired level.
Cascade Business News has more details:
Engineering consultants hired by Oregon State University – Cascades to study the viability of developing the Deschutes County demolition landfill have designed a reclamation strategy that could eliminate 29,600 truck trips and minimize the impact of campus development on the community.
The strategy envisions a scenario where the 72-acre county landfill, in addition to the 46-acre university-owned pumice mine, could become part of a campus serving 3,000 to 5,000 students. The plan proposes reusing excavated and cleaned material from the landfill to then grade and fill the pumice mine to the desired level, as well as grade portions of the landfill. The approach may eliminate the need to import any backfill material for the pumice mine from off-site, which is estimated to take as many as 29,600 truck trips.
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