My Landfill's Not Feeling Herself TodayMy Landfill's Not Feeling Herself Today
October 22, 2012
While it may have used up all of its airspace, the closed Jackman Landfill in Aldergrove, Britsh Columbia, still has plenty of vacancies. Twelve, in fact. Just inquire at the desk with that friendly Norman Bates.
Filmmakers for the A&E television network have reconstructed the infamous Bates hotel and family residence on the former landfill site in order to film a 10-part miniseries focusing on the events that led the aformentioned Mr. Bates to become the titular "Psycho" in the 1960 Alfred Hitchcock classic. (Safe to assume the inherent pressures of trying to run a successful motel on top of a landfill won't figure into it).
You'd think if they were going to film a Hitchcock spinoff at a landfill it would involve "The Birds;" plenty of free, aggressive seagulls ready for filming.
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