Quick Guide for Digital Advertising

October 27, 2021

2 Min Read

Digital advertising certainly isn’t new, but many questions still arise.

The most important ones being – how do you know you’re making a good investment?  And reaching the buyers you want?

We sat down with Peter Badeau, Waste360’s Digital Sales Manager at Waste360, to talk about digital advertising and why it's no longer a nice-to-have, but a critical element of any marketing strategy.

Waste360: What are the benefits/advantages of digital advertising?

Peter: You could talk about the benefits and advantages of digital advertising all day, but the bullet points that stick out the most to me are…

  • You can target the right audience at the right time. Whether it's companies, job titles, or demographics, for example, you can be selective on where your ads are being seen. You aren't wasting money by having your ads in a print magazine that doesn’t track or on a feed, website, or newsletter to an audience that can't relate to you.

  • Digital is easy to measure

  • With just a few clicks, ads are very easy to adjust to make sure that you get as close to the results as you would like. It's not the "post and pray" approach that it works…

  • You get immediate results = proven ROI

Waste360: Why do businesses serving the waste and recycling industry need digital advertising?

Peter: Digital advertising can be an inexpensive way to get your business out there and grow in a way that "old school" marketing, such as print ads, could not. It's quick, effective, and engaging. Some waste and recycling customers want to build their brand, some need to feel their pipeline and others want to promote something specific. We can help companies at any stage meet the customers they’re after.

Waste360: Why is digital advertising important for businesses of every size?

Peter: That’s an easy and short answer. No matter the size of your company in the industry, digital advertising can raise awareness by generating credibility and leads, which turns into new business opportunities for you!

Waste360: What do Waste360 customers say is the biggest win they get from digital advertising?

Peter: Our customers have said that they get qualified leads and new business opportunities, and ultimately product sales. They rave about the number of content opportunities that Waste360 provides to them. From sponsored articles to videos, Waste360 is the #1 resource for news and analysis in the industry.

Waste360: Any tips for getting started? 

Peter: Give me a shout! Let's connect and build a custom digital advertising package that works for your budget and strategy.

Peter Badeau.jpeg
Peter Badeau
Digital Sales Manager
Phone: 203-676-1199
[email protected]

Digital advertising shouldn't be a thorn in your side when it comes to your marketing strategy. Ensuring that you have the proper customized digital plan can help you save time and money!

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