Hillsborough County, Fla., and CVP to Launch Recycling Awareness CampaignHillsborough County, Fla., and CVP to Launch Recycling Awareness Campaign
August 11, 2009
Hillsborough County, Fla., and the Curbside Value Partnership are launching an education campaign this fall that will aim to increase participation in the county’s curbside recycling program. The campaign will include billboards along high-traffic roads, bus ads and radio advertisements that will air during the hours of busiest traffic.
“We jumped at the chance to work with Hillsborough County,” said Steve Thompson, program director of CVP, in a press release. “The county has demonstrated a commitment to seeing their recycling program succeed, they have the foresight to see that in order to engage residents they must approach recycling education from new angles and they have the capability to measure whether the campaign works or not in the end. These are all qualities to be admired in a community recycling program and why we are excited to see this partnership succeed.”
“Our goal is to increase recycling participation by 10 percent. We know this is an ambitious goal in such a large county and in these tough economic times, but we are confident Hillsborough County’s residents will rise to the occasion and that CVP can help us get there,” added Chris Snow, contracts and customer service manager for the Hillsborough County Solid Waste Management Department, in the release.
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