As Busy as a BeeAs Busy as a Bee

WASTEC working on ANSI standards, preparing for annual meeting.

February 1, 2009

3 Min Read
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Craig Wallwork

This past year has been a very busy one for the Waste Equipment Technology Association (WASTEC).

WASTEC serves as the secretariat for waste industry safety standards with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Eight standards were approved by ANSI in 2008. They include Z245.1 Mobile Wastes and Recycling Materials Collection, Transportation and Compaction Equipment-Safety Requirements; Z245.2 Stationary Compactors-Safety Requirements for the Installation, Maintenance and Operation; Z245.21 Stationary Compactors-Safety Requirements; Z245.30 Waste Containers-Safety Requirements; Z245.41 Facilities for the Processing of Commingled Recyclable Materials-Safety Requirements; Z245.5 Baling Equipment-Safety Requirements for Installation, Maintenance and Operation; and Z245.51 Baling Equipment-Safety Requirements; and ANSI Z245.60 Waste Containers-Compatibility Dimensions.

WASTEC's ANSI subcommittees have conducted meetings and held conference calls to discuss methods to improve the existing standards. Some of the subcommittees have created project working groups (PWG) to explore specific concerns related to waste handling equipment.

For example, WASTEC is reviewing fall protection and ladder standards to determine what works and what needs to change to make the industry safer. The results of these working groups will be presented at WASTEC's Annual Meeting on March 24-27 at the Renaissance Vinoy Resort and Golf Club in St. Petersburg, Fla.

The following subcommittees will be meeting: the ANSI Z245.2 Subcommittee on Stationary Compactors on Tuesday, March 24; the ANSI Z245.5 Subcommittee on Balers on Wednesday, March 25; the ANSI Z245.4 Subcommittee on Facilities Thursday, March 26; and the ANSI Z245.1 Subcommittee on Refuse Vehicles on Friday, March 27. Non-members of WASTEC may attend any of the subcommittee meetings.

The annual meeting also includes networking opportunities through a golf outing, a cocktail reception and a dinner. Anyone interested in attending should contact Craig Wallwork, WASTEC's director of technical programs, at 202-364-3701 or [email protected]. You can also go to for further information.

The focus of this year's annual meeting is "going green." Consequently, participants will be provided information electronically instead of through printed materials. This concept is part of WASTEC's overall approach for 2009 and beyond.

WASTEC is reducing its carbon footprint by distributing meeting materials and ANSI documents by e-mail, reducing staff travel, conducting more conference calls and developing Webinars on various topics relevant to members.

In January, WASTEC was audited by ANSI as part of a regular five-year compliance review to make sure that the association is following ANSI's due process requirements. The requirements ensure a voice for everyone with an interest in the development of a standard. WASTEC successfully passed the review. A written report of the findings will be provided later.

WASTEC has reorganized its Web site to make it more user-friendly. For example, key information on WASTEC's programs and services can be found on the home page and within just a few clicks.

The site also is fully integrated with the National Solid Wastes Management Association and Environmental Industry Association sites so that users can learn more about all of the associations' activities. A new feature is the highlighting of members, which provides greater information on what our industry is doing. Take a moment to see the refurbished WASTEC site at

In February, WASTEC will host a PWG in Washington to develop a draft document on transfer stations. Once completed and approved by WASTEC's Z245 committee and ANSI, this document will become the definitive industry safety standard on transfer stations. WASTEC has assembled a number of experts in the waste transfer business to assist in the writing of this document. Interested parties should contact Craig Wallwork. We expect to obtain all of the approvals by late 2009 or early 2010.

Craig Wallwork is the director of technical programs at WASTEC. He can be reached at 202-364-3701 or [email protected].

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