Reducing Food Waste During ThanksgivingReducing Food Waste During Thanksgiving

November 17, 2020

1 Min Read

More than 200 million pounds of turkey end up wasted during the Thanksgiving holiday, and there are ways to reduce it. While the 2020 holiday might be smaller as coronavirus prevents gatherings, the waste generated could still make a significant impact.

Reusing scraps and turning leftovers into soup broth are two ways to avoid sending leftovers to the trash. In addition, rethinking what Thanksgiving means and its relationship to waste is important. With the commercialization of the holiday, the meaning of practicing gratitude and celebrating abundance is lost.

Nikki Sanchez, an Indigenous scholar, says that "what we take from the land, we should also give back — through growing, recycling, composting and replanting." She also says your heritage should be celebrated through the meal to "bring your own identity into this holiday."

Read the original article here.

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