Trash 2.0—How Gamification and AI is Reshaping Residential Waste (WasteExpo 2022)

June 6, 2022

New technologies are entering the waste and recycling industry at a rapid pace, and newer to the playing field is one hauler’s in-house technology and software that combines truck-mounted cameras that use artificial intelligence (AI) with gamifying residential recycling habits to reduce contamination and increase waste diversion in Colorado. Learn about this technology’s successes and failures, how AI can reduce contamination in the waste stream, how to support and encourage customers to recycle better, how gamification of recycling habits can lead to increased waste diversion and more.

Andrew Smerek, Co-Founder and CEO of Bluterra and Clementine Curbside
Michael DiNucci, Chief Revenue Officer, Netradyne
Michelle Goetsch, Founder and CEO, BetterBin
Stefanie Valentic (Moderator), Editorial Director, Waste360

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