Technical SessionsTechnical Sessions

October 2, 2001

10 Min Read
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Edited by Patricia-Anne Tom


Tuesday, Oct. 16 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Wednesday, Oct. 17 12 Noon - 4 p.m.

Thursday, Oct. 18 8 a.m. - 12 Noon

Technical Sessions

Tuesday, October 16

3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Session 1: International MSW Practice and Solutions

Moderator: Greg Vogt, SWANA Executive Committee, SCS Engineers

•Taipei City’s “Per Bag Trash Collection Fee”, Eric C. L. Chu, Taipei City Dept. of Environ. Protection, Taiwan

•Challenging the Myths Behind Recycling in the United Kingdom, Stephen Jenkinson, Greater Manchester Waste Ltd.

•Development of Landfill Operations Internationally – A Case Study, Derek Greedy, International Solid Waste Association; Scott Wilson Kirkpatrick & Co., U.K.

Session 2: Communications, Education & Marketing (CEM) - Improve your Public Relations, Communications, and Marketing Programs with some Helpful Tips

Moderator: Ramona J. Torres-Ford, SWANA CEM Technical Division Program Committee, Westgate Heights Neighborhood Association

•How to Save the Planet One Yard at a Time, George De La O, Los Angeles County Dept. of Public Works, Calif.

•Optimizing Education and Program Outreach: Measuring The Impacts of Recycling and Resource Conservation Programs, John Green, Skumatz Economic Research Associates Inc.

•Panel Presentation: Nail a Dumper: A Case Study of a Local Comprehensive Anti-Dumping Program, Terri Merriman, S.W. Authority of Central Ohio; Joseph Durham, Franklin County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office; Patrick Smith, Franklin County Sheriff’s Office

Session 3: Board Members Session

Moderator: Conoly Phillips, Southeastern Public Service Authority, Va.

•Ethics: Beware the Spider - How Sales Strategies Are Designed to Influence the Service Procurement Decisions of Public Officials, Ronald Mills, Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio

•Finance & Revenues, Bill Ebel, Lancaster County SW Management Authority

•Strategic Planning, SWANA

•How Boards Evaluate the CEO, Donald Isaacs and N.C. Vasuki, DSWA

Session 4: Buy Recycled Seminar – Designed by the Maryland Environmental Service

Trainer: Richard Keller, Maryland Environmental Service

Session 5: Grouchy Judges, Hidden Dumpsters: Emerging Legal Trends in Waste Management

Moderator: Barry Shanoff, Knopf & Brown, SWANA

•Constance Hornig, Constance Hornig Law Offices

•Paul Gosselink, Lloyd, Gosselink, Fowler, Blevins & Mathews

•Freddi Greenberg, Evanston, Ill.

•David Biderman, EIA

Session 6: Landfill Gas Utilization

Moderator: Michael McGuigan, LFG Management Division, Project Development, Landfill Energy Systems

•Southeastern US: The Best Kept Secret in the Landfill Gas Industry, Shelly Cohen, US EPA LMOP

•Presentation by SWANA’s 2001 Landfill Gas Utilization Gold Award Recipient

•Fact, Not Fiction, on Leachate Evaporation Operation Performance, Ray Nardelli, LFG Specialties

•Innovative Design for Landfill Gas Utilization at Southern S.W. Management Center, Drew R. Sammons, DSWA

Session 7: Recycling

Moderator: Gina Hawkins, SWANA Waste Reduction, Recycling and Composting Technical Division, City of Gainesville, Fla.

•A Successful Drop-Off Collection System for Recyclables, Wyn van der Schee, City of Calgary, Alberta

•Recycling Drop-Offs Siting Challenges, Lori Calub, HDR Inc.

•Planning Diversion Programs - The Generator Approach, Karen Coca, LA

•Against All Odds-A Diversion Success Story in the Rocky Mountains, Laurie Batchelder Adams, HDR Inc.

•America Recycles Day: What It Can Mean to You, Fran McPoland, Green Order, Calif.

Wednesday, October 17 8:30 a.m. – 12 noon

Session 8: Planning and Management

Moderator: Allen Bonini, SWANA Planning and Mgmt. Technical Division, East Central S.W. Commission

•Increasing Revenues at Public Waste Management Facilities Through Merchant Waste Access Agreements and Intermunicipal Agreements, Ted S. Pytlar Jr., Dvirka & Bartilucci Consulting Engineers

•Dreaded, Dangerous and Diverse; Managing Health and Safety for an Integrated Solid Waste Management System, Lori Robson, Northern Tier S.W. Authority

•New York City’s Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement, Martha Hirst, NYC Department of Sanitation

•Alternative Solid Waste Funding Sources – The Minnesota Model, David Oberstar, Western Lake Superior Sanitary District, East Central Solid Waste Commission

•Reaching a Consensus in Solid Waste Management - A Case Study in Sonoma County, Calif., Michelle P. Leonard, SCS Engineers

•What the Clean Air Act Could Mean to Your Solid Waste System - A State Implementation Plan Experience, Risa W. Fisher, HDR Inc.

Session 9: Communications, Education & Marketing - Live from Downtown Baltimore Get Your Message On Radio and Cable TV

Moderator: Felicia Blow, SWANA CEM Communications, Education & Marketing Technical Division, SPSA, Va.

Session 10: Waste to Energy

Moderator: Marc J. Rogoff, SWANA WTE Technical Division, University of South Florida

•Issues During the Twilight Years and at the Sunset of the Service Agreements for Municipally Owned WTE Facilities, Paul J. Stoller, CDM

•Examining Costs and Advantages Associated with Municipal WTE as Compared with Landfilling, Jan C. Kucher, BT2

•Extending the Life of an Older Facility - A workshop on WTE for the City of Tacoma, Wash.

•Public-Private partnership and WTE Economics, Carol Parvey, City of Tacoma

•Tacoma’s Steam Plant - A WTE Facility with a New Lease on Life, Laurie Hannan

•Tacoma’s Refuse Derived Fuel Facility Upgrade, Michael P. Slevin III, City of Tacoma, Wash.

•Alternative Fuel Streams and Waste Product Recycling, David J. Frutiger, City of Tacoma, Wash.

Session 11: Special Waste Mgmt. - HHW, C&D and Scrap Tires

Moderator: David Nightingale, SWANA Special Waste Div., EMCON/OWT

•Operating a Permanent Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility in Dalton, Ga., Mack Belue, Dalton/Whitfield S.W. Authority, Abby Goldsmith, Roy F. Weston Inc.

•HHW Collection Event Operations, Michael Mohajer, Joseph D. Reilly, LA County Sanitation Districts

•C&D Waste Flow Control Regulations in the U.S., Ann Schneider, Ann Schneider & Associates

•Gypsum Recycling in the United States: Is it feasible? Timothy Townsend, University of Florida

•Scrap Tires in Civil Engineering Applications: An Update, Michael Blumenthal, Scrap Tire Management Council, Rubber Manufacturers Association

•We’ve Moved Mountain’s - Maryland’s Scrap Tire Program, John R. Rist, Maryland Dept. of the Environment, Gregorio Africa, Maryland Environ. Svc.

Session 12: Landfill Management

Moderator: Christopher Campman, SWANA Landfill Management Division, Gannett Fleming Inc.

•Two Year Status on a Bioreactor, Patrick G. Sloan, Daily & Associates, Engineers Inc.

•Operational Issues for Bioreactor Landfills, Christopher J. Gabel, CDM

•Constructing a Total Liquids Management System at the Lanchester Landfill: “The Juicy Details”, Alfred Yates, Gannett Fleming Inc.

•How Much Is Enough? - Estimating Post-Closure Leachate Storage Needs at the Oaks Landfill in Montgomery County, Md., Robert Isenberg, SCS Engineers

•Inward Gradient Landfill: SPSA’s Cell V Case Study, Joseph Readling, HDR

•Design of a Tracer Distribution System for a Vertical Landfill Expansion, Matthew G. Hamilton, EMCON/OWT, The IT Group

Session 13: Landfill Gas Control

Moderator: Ray Huitric, SWANA LFG Management Technical Division, LA County Sanitation Districts

•Air Emissions, Methane Generation and Recovery, and Energy Potential from Bioreactor Landfills: Comparing the Theoretical to the Actual, Patrick S. Sullivan, SCS Engineers

•Landfill Gas Extraction and Treatment Using a Thermal Oxidizer to Control Off-Site Migration at a Closed Landfill, Sonia Nasser, County of Orange, Calif.

•Presentation from SWANA’s 2001 Landfill Gas Control Gold Award Recipient

•Post Closure Monitoring of Landfill Gas Emissions at Golf Course/Landfill Reuse Project to Ensure Public Health, Richard J. Spieler, Camp Dresser & McKee

•Air Injection to Control Off-Site Landfill Gas Migration: Design Parameters, Mathematical Model and Case Study, Darrin D. Dillah, SCS Engineers

•Landfill Gas Transport in Karst, Jeff Smith, Draper Aden Associates

•A Review of the Literature Regarding Non-Methane and Volatile Organic Compounds in Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Gas; Hickman Intern Monograph Series - Publication 1, Hamideh Soltani-Ahamdi, University of Delaware

Session 14: Waste Reduction and Recycling

Moderator: Laurie Batchelder Adams, SWANA Waste Reduction, Recycling and Composting Division, HDR Inc.

•Successful Methods to Boost Recycling Revenues, Jerry Powell, Resource Recycling

•The Sum of All Impacts From Pay as You Throw/Variable Rates (PAYT/VR): Rate Design, Recycling, Source Reduction, and Environmental Green House Gas Effects, Lisa A. Skumatz, Skumatz Economic Research Associates

•How to Credit Source Reduction: The Maryland Way, Charles Reighart, Baltimore County, Virginia Lipscomb, Maryland Dept. of the Environment

•Implementing Business Recycling Assistance Programs, Robert Barker, L.A. County Dept. of Public Works

•Single Stream Recycling: The Approaching Wave, Mitch Kessler, Kessler Consulting Inc.

•Fast Track Design and Implementation of a Materials Recovery Facility in Glendale, Ariz., Robert Becker, HDR Inc.

Session 15: Collection

Moderator: Susan Young, SWANA Collection & Transfer Division, City of Minneapolis, Minn.

•Ergonomics - The Bottom Line (1-hour workshop), Susan Eppes, Waste Management Inc.

•Refuse Collection for Survival by a Regional Authority in Waste Management, David T. Terrill, Northern Tier Solid Waste Authority, Pa.

•Searching for Appropriate Solid Waste Collection Alternatives in an Urbanized County, Warren N. Smith, Pinellas County Utilities, Fla.

•Testing Dual Collection in the City of Columbus, Christina Redman, Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio

•Collecting Green Waste - Mesa Style, Tim Mahon, City of Mesa, Ariz. Thursday, October 18 1:45 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Session 16: Transfer Systems Moderator: Wayman J. Pearson, SWANA Collection & Transfer Technical Division, City of Charlotte, N.C.

•Designing a Transfer Station with Growth in Mind, Richard T. Sprague, HDR

•A Mid-Stream Correction: Assessing Needs for the District of Columbia, Tom Henderson, S.W. Administration, District of Columbia DPW

•Regional Transfer Station: Getting the Most from Your Facility, David J. Traeger, HDR Inc.

•FCC Licenses for Two-Way Radio Systems: The Focus of New and Expensive Enforcement Actions, Susan Geiger, Preston, Gates, Ellis and Rouvelas, Meed

•Maintenance and Repair of Tipping Floors, Jim Andrews, Delta Pacific Builders

Session 17: Contracting for Solid Waste Services

Moderator: Richard Keller, Maryland Environmental Service

•Developing a Win/Win Bid: Lessons from Hartford County, Bob Ernst, Hartford County, Md.

•Rethinking Bid/RFP Specification Writing, Bob Hyres, Waste Pro

•Guiding Principles in Evaluating Res-ponses to Request for Proposals (RFPs) for Solid Waste Services, Beryl Eismeier, Anne Arundel County, Md.

•A Contractor’s Perspective: What I’d Like to See in an RFP for Material Processing, Craig Stuart-Paul, Fairfax Recycling Inc., Va.

Session 18: Landfill Management

Moderator: Anne Germain, SWANA Landfill Management Division, DSWA

•Remediation of an Uncontrolled Historical Landfill, John A. Banks Jr., SCS Engineers, David S. Adams, Hillbourgh County

•Natural Attenuation as the Corrective Action for Landfill Gas Effects on Groundwater, Samuel R. Pascual, County of Orange, Calif.

•Next-Generation Technology to Address Chemical Compatibility Issues with Geosynthetic Clay Liners, Chuck Hornaday, CETCO

•Finding, Permitting and Implementing Landfill Design Innovations, Fouad Arbid, S.W. Services, Jeffrey Smithberger, Fairfax County DPW, Va.

Session 19: Composting - Building a Program Using Best Practices

Moderator: Sharon Barnes, Barnes Nursery, U.S. Composting Council

•Optimizing Your Composting System, Nora Goldstein, BioCycle Magazine: Journal of Composting and Recycling

•Case Study: Baltimore County Composting Facility, David Hill, US Filter

•Case Study: Dickerson Composting Operations, Nanci Koerting, Dickerson Compost Facility, Dickerson, Md.

•Process Controls in Composting Systems, Sharon Barnes, USCC, Barnes Nursery, Huron, Ohio

Session 20: Special Waste Handling: Electronics

Moderator: Kevin Bonzo, SWANA Special Waste Division, EMCON/OWT Solid Waste Services

•How to Get the Lead Out of Your Waste Stream: Recycling Discarded Consumer Electronics, Deborah Bush, Pinellas County Utilities, Fla.

•Electronic & Computer Equipment Recycling, Wayne Omokawa, City of LA

•Logged on to Computer Recycling - A Unique Partnership, Jay Duncan, City of Oxnard, Calif.

•What Happens to all Those Old Televisions and Computers?, Miriam A. Zimms, Kessler Consulting Inc.

Session 21: Paper Recycling Workshop: An Insider’s Perspective

Moderator: Cherae Bishop, Director, Fiber Recovery and Utilization, American Forest & Paper Association

•Bob Rickman, SP Newsprint Co.

•Tom Friberg, Weyerhaeuser Co.


Dept. of Defense Recycling Workshop

Solid waste and recycling managers from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard and Defense Logistic Agency will present sessions on waste prevention, recycling, composting, affirmative procurement and the challenges faced by the Department of Defense.

Facility Tours Monday, October 15 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Tour 1: Baltimore S.W. Solutions


•Patuxent Recycling

•Baltimore Composting Facility

•Emmanuel Tire Company

Tour 2: Suburban S.W. Solutions

•Western Run Yard Waste Composting Facility

•The Brown Station Road Landfill

•Annapolis Junction Transfer Station

Tour 3: Montgomery

County, Md. Facilities

•Montgomery County MRF and Transfer Stations

•Office Paper Systems

•Computer Donation Management

Networking Roundtables Wednesday, October 17 7 – 8:15 a.m.

•Automated, Co-collection and Wet/dry Collection

•Diesel Retrofits are Coming

•Interacting with the Media

•Mercury in LFG

•Siloxanes in LFG

•Bioreactor Landfills

•Landfill Liner Warranties

•How Industry Consolidation Has Affected Solid Waste Programs

•Setting up an America Recycles Day Event

•Backyard Composting

•Product Stewardship and Producer Responsibility

•Improving Operations at Transfer Stations to Increase Productivity

•Energy Deregulation and the Impact on WTE

•EPA’s Life-cycle Modeling Software

Technical Sessions are open to all WASTECON attendees. Contact (301) 585-2898 or visit for more information.

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