Industry ResourcesIndustry Resources

March 16, 2010

5 Min Read
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The following waste-related links are recommended by the staff of Waste Age.

Resources on

Waste Age 100
Waste Age produces an annual list of the 100 largest solid waste companies. Access the current rankings, past rankings, and submit your company for listing.

Company News and Profiles
Waste Age is the definitive source for solid waste company information. Get quick access to news and profiles for more than 100 companies.

Waste Stream Facts/Profiles in Garbage
Chaz Miller, NSWMA state programs director, provides these detailed overviews of many specific type of waste.

Waste and Recycling Associations

National Solid Wastes Management Association
NSWMA is a trade association representing for-profit companies in North America that provide solid, hazardous and medical waste collection, recycling and disposal services, and companies that provide professional and consulting services to the waste services industry. It promotes the management of waste in a manner that is environmentally responsible, efficient, profitable and ethical, while benefiting the public and protecting employees. The organization provides members with educational and training opportunities, research, and federal and state advocacy capability.

Waste Equipment Technology Association
WASTEC is a trade association representing companies that design, build, distribute, service and offer consultultation with respect to the equipment and technology systems that are used to collect, contain, transport, store, process, recycle, treat and dispose of the world's solid wastes and recyclable materials. The organization promotes the use of technology and innovation in meeting the needs of the waste services industry in a safe and responsible manner.

Environmental Industry Associations
EIA is the parent organization for NSWMA and WASTEC. EIA also has its own members (public officials), and programs and events, such as the annual Hall of Fame awards, the Women's Council, Drivers of the Year, insurance programs, Manual of Recommended Safety Practices, and Doing Our Best — A Matter of Integrity, a practical guide to ethical behavior. EIA also is a primary sponsor of WasteExpo and is responsible for the show's educational sessions.

Solid Waste Association of North America
SWANA's mission is "to advance the practice of environmentally and economically sound management of municipal solid waste." The organization believes local governments should be responsible for municipal solid waste management, but not necessarily the ownership and/or operation of municipal solid waste management systems. SWANA offerings include technical conferences, certifications, publications, technical training courses and advocacy. SWANA also hosts the WASTECON trade show.

National Recycling Coalition
NRC is the largest national nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement and improvement of recycling, waste prevention, composting and reuse.

International Solid Waste Association
ISWA is an international, independent non-profit association working in the public interest to promote and develop sustainable waste management worldwide.

Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries
ISRI is the voice of the scrap recycling industry, an association of companies that process, broker, and consume scrap commodities.

Construction Materials Recycling Association
The CMRA promotes the safe and economically feasible recycling of the more than 325 million tons of recoverable construction and demolition materials that are generated in the United States annually.

American Public Works Association
The American Public Works Association is an international educational and professional association of public agencies, private sector companies and individuals dedicated to providing high-quality public works goods and services.

National Association of Counties
NACo is the only national organization that represents county governments in the United States.

National Demolition Association
The National Demolition Association is a non-profit trade organization representing companies providing demolition services.

National League of Cities
The NLC is the oldest and largest national organization representing municipal governments throughout the United States. Its mission is to strengthen and promote cities as centers of opportunity, leadership and governance.

National Truck Equipment Association
The NTEA represents companies that manufacture, distribute, install, buy, sell and repair commercial trucks, truck bodies, truck equipment, trailers and accessories.

Government Programs and Web Sites

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Solid Waste

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Municipal Solid Waste page

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Landfill Methane Outreach Program
EPA's Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP) is a voluntary assistance and partnership program that promotes the use of landfill gas (methane produced as a result of decomposition in landfills) as a renewable, green energy source.

American City & County
The voice of local government since 1909, American City and County serves a powerful audience of city, county and state officials who are charged with developing and implementing government policy, programs and projects. The magazine maintains its leadership position by providing these readers with news, government trends, policy alternatives and operational solutions.

Fleet Owner
Written for executives and managers of commercial-trucking fleets that operate five or more vehicles, Fleet Owner provides information about operations, vehicle maintenance, industry regulations and information-management technology.

Hydraulics & Pneumatics
Hydraulics & Pneumatics details the many different designs and advances in fluid power technology through both technology articles and application stories. The magazine's articles emphasize new ideas to assist the engineering designer who builds fluid-powered machines and the plant engineer who maintains them. Read about fluid power's applications in the solid waste and recycling industry and to view related products, visit the magazine's Recycling/Waste Management Technology Zone.

Industry Commentary

The Heap: A Waste Age blog
The Waste Age blog offers waste industry news and insights — often with a humorous twist.

Slate: The Green Lantern
This section of the online magazine Slate posits interesting environmental quandaries and attempts to answer them.

New York Times: Dot Earth
A New York Times blog focusing on environmental issues.

CNET: Green Tech
A CNET blog focusing on technology and the environment.

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