Senate Democrats Urge Chao To Decide on ErgonomicsSenate Democrats Urge Chao To Decide on Ergonomics
March 4, 2002
1 Min Read
Danielle Jackson
Washington, D.C. -- Several U.S. Senate Democrats wrote a letter to U.S. Labor Department Secretary Elaine L. Chao on Feb. 28, asking for information on the department's records dealing with the drafting of new rules to prevent ergonomic injuries in the workplace.
Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee members sent the letter last week as a result of their frustration with Chao, who had promised to pursue a new ergonomics approach by last September, has not yet made a decision.
Ultimately, labor unions want Senate Democrats to bring a bill to the floor requiring the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to set new ergonomics standards within two years.
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