Leveraging CCTV Data to Solve Underground Problems (WWETT Show 2023)Leveraging CCTV Data to Solve Underground Problems (WWETT Show 2023)
March 23, 2023
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Over the last 30 years municipalities and consulting firms have collected thousands of feet of CCTV footage of sewer and stormwater. They have collected hundreds of thousands of data points and defect information. In an era of AI and system automations, leverage your data collection and historic data to better assist you in the decision-making process and budget management. There is more to your CCTV inspection that just a nice video and some pictures showing your underground infrastructure problems. We have developed tools that can assist you with your future projects for rehab, repair and cleaning as well as using your budget where it is most needed as well handling your CMOM plan in a more efficient, data driven way.
Learning Objectives:
1. Discuss the importance of data accuracy
2. Analyze the advantages of data collection
3. Review how this data can be applied to future and current budgets and expenditures
4. Discover ways to use the data collected
Speaker: Leticia Eberly, President at LMEC LLC
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