Recycling Operations in a Post-EPR WorldRecycling Operations in a Post-EPR World
What do recycling operations look like after extended producer responsibility (EPR) is implemented in the states that have passed legislation in the past several years? Now that implementation is underway in California, Colorado, Maine and Oregon, this session will dive deep into what impacts, challenges and improvements are coming down the pike for this brave new world in U.S. recycling. Learn how EPR differs in each state, how EPR affects recycling operations and what to expect moving forward as more states consider EPR policies.
May 6, 2024

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What do recycling operations look like after extended producer responsibility (EPR) is implemented in the states that have passed legislation in the past several years? Now that implementation is underway in California, Colorado, Maine and Oregon, this session will dive deep into what impacts, challenges and improvements are coming down the pike for this brave new world in U.S. recycling. Learn how EPR differs in each state, how EPR affects recycling operations and what to expect moving forward as more states consider EPR policies.
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RecyclingExtended Producer Responsibility (EPR)WasteExpo 2024Recycling & Landfill - WasteExpo 2024You May Also Like