Omaha, Nebraska Residents are Recycling More with Larger BinsOmaha, Nebraska Residents are Recycling More with Larger Bins

November 11, 2021

1 Min Read
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The city of Omaha, Nebraska expects residents to recycle at least 20 percent more paper, plastic and cans this year. The increase in recycling is directly correlated to providing residents with new carts that are six times bigger. Today, Omahans are recycling about 50 percent more material with the larger bins. 

Omaha resident Jessica Freedman is recycling more because the city's new carts hold more and her kids are now interested in recycling. From cans and paper to clear plastics and cardboard from online orders, it all gets recycled in Freedman’s house and her family is now able to easily dump it in the new container. 

Read the complete story here

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